imperia online


Old perth boy
Real Name
eBay User
Gday lads and ladies...
not sure if any1 here is a gaming freak like myself but thought ide throw a link up to this newish type online game.
Basically its a medievel type start building your village,army,gather timber,iron,stone to build up your defences.
Your given a spot on this world wide map,along with tens of thousands of others from around the world.
The game runs in real time...meaning your workers gather,soldiers patrol,etc etc even when your not online playing !!
Now its not like warcraft etc where you see massive battles in action,its all done through a control panel,.
ive gotten truly hooked on this game,and log in at least 6 times a day to assign tasks to my works,upgrade my fortress,add troops,Form alliances with other players and much more..
If this sounds sweet.. check the link below..and ill be happy to answer any
hey stevo
had a look and was trying to register and under user name its says empire ?
Wat name do i put in here ? does that mean i have to name it or are the names that you are supposed to put in?
Hi cath.. (thanks for that card ).thatll be the name of your empire..anything will so...
Brad... no mate, dial up will be ok.. its not like it has streaming video so wont be a problem.
No the way..if any1 decides to go for it.
You cannot be attacked untill you have reached 150 points>>
Ive been playing 2 weeks now and still not at 100!!
So pleanty of time to build your defences,army..
hsv006 said:
No the way..if any1 decides to go for it.
You cannot be attacked untill you have reached 150 points>>
Ive been playing 2 weeks now and still not at 100!!
So pleanty of time to build your defences,army..
whats ur screen name and how much points do u have allready. looks interesting!
Quick hint..bottom lh side it states info..
Click on complete manual for detailed instructions !!
haha this sounds like my kind of online game woohoo you dont need broadband i might check it out since im no longer addicted to Championship Manager i need a new addiction ill have to check this out Cheers!
wooh playin it now at work its not bad kinda like a text based version of Civ hehe im building lots of things ill be broke like i am in the real world in no time so far its not to bad not as addictive as Championship Manager (yet)