I go on a conference for 2 days...


David Robinson Collector
Sydney, Australia
Real Name
eBay User
and this is what happens...



You got off lightly Trey. If me and Mavs were in the same office it would of been worse ;-) LOL

If only I could get to Hill33's office :smt079
Nice Foil-effect there!

The one that I think started it all off was when this american guy went on holidays, his firend broke into his apartment and foiled EVERYTHING, and I mean everything. There was no part of the apartment foil-free!

There is also an even funnier story, where, I think the same group of people as payback, went to one of the other person's apartment and nailed everything to the ceiling in mirror image to where it would normally sit!

Ive heard a story similar to that Ersk, but involving the band The Who, and a lot of drugs and a hotel room ;)
At least they didnt super glue everything down on the desk....

I've seen another where everything was replaced with paper/cardboard imitations (paper pens, cardboard PC & Monitor, etc, etc).
I called em all in and pretended I was really pissed off...

but then began to say I was really disapointed they didnt go to more effort on the chairs and walls and my desk etc...

they didnt know what to say LOL
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