Here comes the Ice Age!

kind of cool. I know they are trying to link it to ICE HOCKEY. but common haha.

I would rather see an ice age product on its own. Then they could get other people interested in that kind of stuff who ususally have no chance in owning such things but would love to.

Would've been nice if they released the Movie "Ice Age 3" cards, and had those as inserts in it!
Yer that would get kids collecting it like crazy. Who wouldn't at that age want to own a fossile haha.

True, inserts of that nature will drive them nuts! They got fossils for Hockey, what would they do for basketball?
Or GU plasters, bandages and tapes?
Even GU towels, Gatorade PET bottles...
Man. The possibilities are endless.
From destorying historical autographed letters, to destroying fossils.....what else can they think of?

Sounds like typical "colonial" minded people.....see something see how much they can get for it....take it..........and destroy it for their pleasure and gain.


lol like razor cut oval office "but sir its a piece of our history"(normal american)
"Imagine the money we make who cares about history"(Razor cut ceo)
UD and oval office are so much like mister burns
Okily dokily lol............

I was half expecting that to say.. "In addition to the fossils and artifacts, Champs Hockey will also yield signatures from some of the greatest creatures of the past"..

Well said.

What this has to do with Hockey I have no idea. To be honest, if I collected Ice Hockey cards, this would definitely turn me away from it, as cool as it would be to own a T-Rex tooth.