going to bust 2009 expquisite live tonight!

Nice to see an NFL Break, very nice looking cards but at a bit of a painful price !! Personally, I'm not too sure about these uber premium releases - it's just so much money for so few cards. Wouldn't be quite so bad if you got a heap of premium commons as well (without auto's/gu) just so that each card doesn't feel like it cost you $50 !
Thanks for sharing anyways!
true... it's a real risk-reward thing... am glad i was able to pull that ap in the last box!

what nfl boxes do you usually bust?
Been busting a few boxes this year as I just got back into it, I've posted the breaks here. Some low and medium stuff, plus a great box of absolute. Tempted to try triple threads, but again there's only 12 cards in a box, so I might be better off going another finest or absolute, both of which were fun breaks. Certified is just out and might be worth a go too...
Just need to see what my Credit Card has to say about it !
Wow that last box was sick the AP and a Vince Lombardi auto isn't the superbowl trophy named after him one of the greatest coaches of all time.