Does anyone know...


Denver Nuggets Fan
Bendigo, Vic
Real Name
Can my work fire me for getting a tattoo in a place I cannot cover up?

I'm considering a tattoo on my hand, nothing offensive, it's just a reference to Harry Potter.

But I'm not sure where tattoo's stand in the scheme of things these days.

Any help would be great.
Depends on your line of work, best just to ask your work before you get it done. Might want to think about if you really want a Harry Potter tattoo too, could regret it a few years down the track.
I knew that'd come up... I've thought about it, I said a year ago. If I still want it in a year, I'll get it.

I'm a travel agent and I know the company I work for is an Equal Opportunity employer, but I'm not convinced they wouldn't find a way to get rid of me.
really depends on your job/contract. it is possible yes. but not likely.
most of the time the problem will be content tho, opposed to placement.
EDIT: like kyle said; why not just ask them?
You will probably change jobs at some point in the future. If you move to a more conservative industry it may be an issue even if your current employer doesn't mind.
That would be my advice as is very rare for people to be in an occupation for a long period of time nowadays. I think it would be unwise and may inhibit your employment options in the future.

Unless you work as a tattooist
A Harry potter theme wouldn't offend me. If you want it do it mate. Just make sure you do your homework and find a good artist to do it.
I know a few blokes with tatts on the back of there hands, one had his surgically removed and a graft put on after-woulds, looked worst than the tat, but he had it done because no-one would employ him, personally I think keep them where you can cover them up if need be, employers are not meant to discriminate chances are they will though.
I do not believe that you can be fired for getting a tattoo, but they could make things "difficult" for you at work so that you then decide to leave. As other people have said the tattoo may then limit your ability to get another job.

Although tatoos are more accepted these days, some employers still frown on them being visible to the public.

You also said that you have waited a year, have you really thought of what you will think when you turn 40 or even 50 and see a Harry Potter theme tattoo on your hand, I honestly think it is then that you may regret having it put some where so visible