Collectors / Hobby Fair PERTH - Cards, Comics & more - Have your say !


@ A1, we love collecting as much as you do !
Perth, W.A
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eBay User
Hi everybody


Something that has been lacking in Perth now is a regular hobby fair ! The nexus fair is not regular enough or long enough and after speaking to a few other hobby fans and shop owners it might be worth going all out and make it happen.


If this is going to happen, I need to hear from anyone who wants to have a stall on the day ! There is currently a comic store and hobby (RC) store interested and I have 1 NBA box supplier keen also. We need more if this is going to work so please get in contact with me if you are interested
You can either set up as a seller or just a display. Preference will be given to sellers and the cost will be shared equally amongst all sellers.


Ultimately cost will have a lot to do with where this event will be held. However, it looks like there are a few nice places that are indoor and available for up to 5 hours that look perfect on paper and price wise. I am hoping to check the venues out before hand for toilets and facilities etc.
Happy for any suggestions on a place near the city center and public transport


As discussed with the already interested parties, they all agree with something happening once a month is the way to go !

Please take a minute to post your ideas and suggestions for this kind of event so it can be as close to perfect as possible for everyone's enjoyment.


My hope is that the local collectors in WA can get this show so well organized and popular that our fellow collectors and box suppliers from interstate are willing to make the trip over to join in ! Especially with flight being so cheap these days

Still not sure how this will get done but of course we may need to advertise locally but hopefully some positive word of mouth can get the job done ! I would also like to Donate the door if possible(yes there will be an entry fee like a gold coin donation) to a local charity. This idea is about the love of the hobby and a way of getting other collectors together so why not help others at the same time.
An entry fee will only be charged if the event is aligned with a charity or the cost of the hall is not covered by people with stalls set up on the day

A big thanks in advance


PS, anyone interestedsetting up a stall or willing to volunteer to help set it up on the day etc Please let me know !
Mate I've been really hoping Perth would get something like this going for awhile now.... jealous of all the ones the other states have... hopefully you can get this going Terry.

Only thing though is I really don't know if a entrance fee will work..... I really feel this will hinder the event.

Cheers mate and I have to agree with your sentiments about eastern state card shows ! There are more than enough WA collectors to make it worth while.
It still depends on how much support it gets from all those collectors.
From what I can work out so far, most bigger halls are regularly used for private and corporate events. Sadly, the price difference is huge. If it is done for the love of the hobby and proceeds of the event (excluding any stall holders) then it should be easy enough for people to make a (small) gold coin donation at the door

At the moment the interest has been average at best so unless more collectors and shops are on board, it probably wont happen I am keeping positive about it

Are there any West aussie collectors interested. Stall holder !?
I would be very interseted if there was an AFL stall.. sounds very good.. what kind of price range are the locations/...
i would be very keen to particiapte if there were to be an AFL stall with some nice AFL cards, and depending on location, date and time etc... i will help set up and stuff. what location did you have in mind?
i quickley through this together, let me know if you like it or not, and the text in the midddle can be changed

WOW !!! that is an awesome looking flyer immsy007

The location that is probably best suited is all dependent on the interest shown by other collectors in this thread ! if there is plenty of interest then it opens allot more options for venues (costs) if the interest is iffy, then a cheap location will be the only option available to at least test the water
At the moment i am just looking at a couple of locations ! the best one so far is in Atwell just off the armadale road exit fm the fwy. something near murdoch station would be perfect imo

If anyone can recommend an indoor hall near the train line or fwy ! please lmk
A hall in Thornlie but a bit out of the way but the hall and price are perfect ! another hall in atwell just off the freeway
I looked at a few others but only found 2 suitable locations so far.

We need more than 3 or 4 collectors interested to move past the "idea" stage
I'd be interested in attending at least..except south of the river is a bit too far for me. I could commit to attending long term if it was central.
Atwell is a good 40 minute drive for me..give or take.

Could probably make it once or twice a year out of pure effort.

would the CBD be out of the question? all train lines go straight to it.
There are other smaller rooms available to hire at the same place that Nexus is held - Vic Park community centre. It is pretty central, close to a train line. Might be worth looking at prices.
Hey Guys,
40 min drive is to far ?????, come on guys, i live in Albany that a 5 hour drive and if you guys can manage to get it going i have a least 5 or 6 mates who would attend for sure.

WKK ( if you guys know of any other collectors from Albany could ya let me know )
Yeah i got his business card off him....wallets to far for me to reach haha. But yeah bought that box of AVP: Requiem and Marvel Masterpieces of him. Decent collection of cards he has i tell ya!