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  • hey westcoastking have two silver parallel cards featuring : MATT PRIDDIS & BRAD EBERT, INTERESTED IN PURCHASING THEM? Leave a message in my in box at oz card trader. Just to let you know cost of postage is: $1.60 within victoria & $2.20 outside victoria. Hope to hear from you soon.

    Hey bud. Tried to send you a pm bout the wce cards, but you box is full. May have to delete a few old messages. Cheers.
    Ze Koasters I Like em,

    If anyone has some great eagles cards they would like to get rid of pls let me know, I'm collecting nic nat, all eagles rookie cards as well as any redemption, captain redemption, prem predictors any basically anything Eagles, pls send me a msg with pics if possible

    CHi OARS
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