Celtics Roster strengthening?

The Truth

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With the additions of Eddie House and Scot Pollard, the Celtics have added some extra ammo in some experienced role players to their line-up. Definitely a little out of character for the Celtics of the past few years, but needed.
What do we think?
Will they add anyone else? Who?
Will it be enough?
I know chemistry will be on the bottom of the problem list with the current roster as most of the players the Celtics have added seem to have past links up to this point. I wanna hear some talk about Boston, because you know you'll be talking at some point, why not start now! ;)
my take, boston will be good no doubt but way over rated.. they have a center in pollard, but he's not gonna bring what he brought to the kings/pistons 5 years ago..

my concern is, when it comes down to it who's gonne be;

* the man
* the leader
* the guy to take the last shot

too much testosterone and egos for my liking..

though we'll see how it pans out.. 3 players don't make a championship side, not even out east, yet people are saying they'll win the east.. perhaps.. or perhaps an outcome of the lakers team of malone/payton/kobe/shaq will come into play.. we'll soon see
I agree with you there Craig, I think it will take at least a year to compete for a title. In saying that, I don't know what will definitely happen. I don't think it's too many ego's. Paul Pierce has shown in the past he's happy to give the ball up and let others take over. Ray Allen and KG are from the same mold in that area it seems. All great people with the same goal. I really don't think they will have a problem with ego getting in the way in the way that some other bigger names might have. The young guys would be stoked with those types of guys leading the way, so there surely wouldn't be any problems there either. I really think the Celtics will be one of the better chemistry teams in the NBA. You would even say that about the new look T-Wolves, but that's another storey.
Don't get me wrong, I love Pollard. and house is a good fit, with perkins/rondo and co. still on the squad, I just don't see too much backup off the bench or in the starting lineup that would compliment these guys, though it'd be exciting either way if they do have some role players or not.. good on them..
They have three superstars, but no depth. There will be a real struggle to play the minutes needed and provide the offensive firepower if the roster isn't upgraded with 2 or 3 more significant players who can fit the 6 man role.

Eddie House and Scott Pollard are great reserves, but Pollard shouldn't be the first big off the bench, and Eddie House would be a 7th or 8th man.

They have a decent squad, but they have to contend with these teams, who actually have backups who can play after their superstars take a break -

Detroit - Conf Finals the past four years, much better overall team
Miami - Healthy Shaq + D-Wade can never be counted out
Washington - Black Horse team, they have a big 3, who are YOUNGER and actually play defense on the perimeter, + Gilbert Arenas is right now a more dangerous player than any of the players in Boston
Cleveland - They made the finals, King James, can't go past them

Some people have their high hopes of 60+ wins and the Eastern Crown, but the team won't get that with the roster they have now.

Honestly, Allen Iverson goes to the Nuggest and everyones spelling a championship. Oops, looks like the Nuggets got knocked out first round, and they definately had enough star power in Carmelo Anthony, Iverson, Marcus Camby, Nene + JR Smith to equal that of the BIG 3 in Boston.

Can anyone answer me this, what's so good about Boston compared to other teams with their big three's, but who actually have a GOOD SUPPORT SYSTEM:

Phoenix - Steve Nash, Shawn Marion, Amare Stoudemire + Leandro Barbosa, Boris Diaw, Marcus Banks, Raja Bell, Grant Hill etc etc

Washington - Gilbert Arenas, Caron Butler, Antawn Jamison + Brendan Haywood, Jarvis Hayes, Antonio Daniels, Darius Songaila, Deshawn Stevenson

Detroit - Chauncey Billups, Richard Hamilton, Rasheed Wallace, Tayshaun Prince + Antonio Mcdyess, Chris Webber, Jason Maxiell, Rodney Stuckey, Ronald Murray, Nazr Mohammed

San Antonio - Tim Duncan, Tony Parker, Manu Ginobili + Bruce Bowen, Michael Finley, Robert Horry, Fabricio Oberto

Dallas - Jason Terry, Dirk Nowitzki, Josh Howard + Devin Harris, Maurice Ager, Devean George, Eddie Jones, Jerry Stackhouse

New Jersey - Vince Carter, Jason Kidd, Richard Jefferson + Jason Collins, Marcus Williams, Sean Williams, Jamaal Maglooire

Houston - Tracy Mcgrady, Shane Battier, Yao Ming + Rafer Alston, Bonzi Wells, Dikembe Mutombo, Chuck Hayes, Aaron Brooks, Luther Head

New Orleans - Chris Paul, Peja Stojakovic, David West + Morris Peterson, Tyson Chandler, Rasual Butler, Julian Wright, Bobby Jackson

Need I say more?

People are judging the Boston Celtics as a team, based on the amount of star talent they have, if this is the case, all the teams mentioned above beat the Boston Celtics in a 7 game series.
You said it yourself Jim, younger. All these teams you mention could have star triples going for them, but the Celtics have 3 Superstars, 3 faces of Franchises, all in some stage of prime form, that's the only reason everyone is talking them up. That answers your question.
This 3 doesn't compare to any other current "star 3" in the league, purely due to lack of experience on every other teams part. So there really isn't any other situation where you would have a "Big 3" in any other team in the league at the moment. It takes some thinking, but I'm sure you would understand that part of it. Iverson, Duncan, Dirk,that's a big 3, Amare, Melo and Chris Paul, 3 star young players. It's a fine line but I think it's defined by experience.
You discount a team with Garnett, Pierce and Allen with this comment?

"Miami - Healthy Shaq + D-Wade can never be counted out"

Pierce has already put his hand up as the go to guy and in the press Garnett and Allen have gone with that as well. Doesn't hurt to have the other options those and lets not forget that these three command double teams and lots of attention automatically making the Celtic scrubs all that much better.

Over 7 games some of the above yes but thats if they go to 7 games ;-)

All those teams above have stars as well as some depth but only one guy can have the ball and when they choke like Dirk does the whole team loses ;-)

Attitude wise I like the three we have and don't see any problems at all with them playing together.
Jimbo as always u make some good points but Boston doesn't have to beat most of those teams as they're out west! So if they make the finals they only need to beat one....

Also U seriously think New Orleans 'star trio' of Paul, Peja and West would have it over Boston's? I also struggle to include Houston as a trio!! Battier - a star?? He's a great glue guy but hardly a star. Also a lot of those so called star trios can't get past the 1st round....

I'll bet the house that I just won off White Choc (cos he said KG wouldn't get traded) that Boston makes the 2nd round...

As Chad said all 3 stars are great characters, at least 2 need double teams (not sure about Allen) and then all u need is a couple of guys who can hit the 3 (ah wait that's Allen and Pierce), a solid rebounder to support KG (......) and great team defence. Tony Allen is a very decent 4th option who plays D and as a decent offensive game. A Steve Kerr type guy would be handy (wait maybe Reggie!!!)

To be honest I think we could write/debate how good Boston will be all off season- I just can't wait to see how good they'll be!!!
I'd predict the C's to be division champs with a record of someing like 51-31. I'd say a 2nd round defeat in the playoffs due to lack of experience in the playoffs.

As for their roster, if they could somehow add a guy like Posey as their 6th man that would be great. If they could have landed a solid PG in Brevin Knight that would have been ideal too. Should be interesting to see what Ainge does in the coming weeks.
ill agree with most of this stuff lol boston will prob take a year to get goin so they might have a good run next season but not this upcomming one, they wil play well n its great for boston to start winning again. Although i think pierce is an idiot wantin to be the goto guy I would make (as COMMON DAMN SENCE) garnett the goto guy. but gonna be hard to douible team these guys pierce can shoot the 3 n ray ray is deadly at it n if kg doesnt get double teamed he can take almost neone one on one. I cant wait to see some games n see wat happens
Jimbo as always u make some good points but Boston doesn't have to beat most of those teams as they're out west! So if they make the finals they only need to beat one....

Also U seriously think New Orleans 'star trio' of Paul, Peja and West would have it over Boston's? I also struggle to include Houston as a trio!! Battier - a star?? He's a great glue guy but hardly a star. Also a lot of those so called star trios can't get past the 1st round....

To be honest I think we could write/debate how good Boston will be all off season- I just can't wait to see how good they'll be!!!

Firstly, to The Truth -

Dude I don't know what your talking about when you say they are the only BIG3 in the NBA. I'd be happy to say that Marion, Nash + Amare could give them a run for their money and so could Kidd, Carter + RJ. Same goes for Parker, Duncan + Ginobili. Although the recurring factor about those BIG3's, is that they have a floor leader (point guard) and it makes them that much better than two scorers and one legitimate frontcourt monster.

Chad -

Yes, I do discount the team of Pierce, Allen and Garnett with a comment like that. How many championships have those three won, how many times have they been to the finals? They've only ever been once to the conference finals between the three of them.

A healthy Shaq is just as dangerous as Kevin Garnett and a healthy Dwyane Wade equals Lebron James. Last season was terrible, but let's not forget the 2006 run to the championship when Dwyane Wade was the hardest player to stop on the planet.

While Shaq is old, Wade will come back healthy once we get into the season and the Heat will be one of the top 4 teams in the East minimally, even with a depleted roster.

ljandkg -

Your right mate, let's not keep debating, I'm just presenting my points. But I'd take a New Orleans team of Chris Paul, Peja Stojakovic, Morris Peterson, David West and Tyson Chandler over Kevin Garnett, Ray Allen, Paul Pierce and Brian Scalabrine anyday mate.

Yes the 3 in Boston command double teams, but who's playing in the game? The game is 48 minutes long and it's a 90% bet that none of the BIG3 will play more than 40 minutes every game.

With a supporting cast of Brian Scalabrine, Rajon Rondo, Kendrick Perkins, Eddie House and Scott Pollard, I mean seriously.

Anyway, I present some facts which are good points, everyone does and everyones entitled to their opinion.

However the two things which can't be denied, is that Boston lacks two major things:

1. A real point guard leader who can be a leader on the floor/even a combo guard who can handle the ball and create (see Gilbert Arenas, Dwyane Wade, Allen Iverson)
2. Depth behind their superstars

Rajon Rondo holds the key to one of these issues, if the other isn't addressed they won't get past the second round.
You don't see my point Jim, You are calling out all these "big 3" sets for every team in the league, the fact is, they're not and some of them are quite silly really. They're part of their original teams. KG, the T-Wolves superstar leader, Ray Allen, same for the Sonics, Paul Pierce, same for the Celtics. They are bringin 3 superstars together. I'm not saying the Spurs and Suns don't have great players, but they can't be classed as a "big 3" and be compared to KG, Ray and Pierce in the Celtics situation. The reason, which is what you asked for, was youth and in-experience in these 3 specific players situations. When has Manu lead his team? for example?
See my point.
What odds are we putting on the Hornets against the Celts? I'd be in that! Just pm me with the wager.

You're opinion on the what is behind the "Big 3" for the Celtics, it could be spot on. They have a 14 man roster currently, just awaiting the signing of the 2 drafted rookies at the moment though. So it's not as though they only have 4 or 5 guys to go with the "Big 3" like you're trying to claim. One second you give props to guys like Big Baby and Rondo, then you make out as though they are non contributers and not even worth having on the bench or just plain non-existent !?!? lol You're forgetting Tony Allen, a big part of the line-up. We know what he can do already. He virtually took over Pierce's job when he was out last season, as well as contributing more on the defensive end. He's a steal machine. You are also under judging Rondo. He's better than Delonte at everytning except scoring and blocking shots at this point, but he can still take the lane as good as Delonte did. He managed just fine at the end of last year helping run the offense, he is more sure footed than Delonte at it. Sorry to bag you out Jim, but when it comes to the Celtics, you usually don't have much of an idea, although I always like to read and respect your opinion lol.
I think everyone has forgotten Tony Allen. They have that 6th man already, Allen. They need pieces around the big 3, Allen as a 6th man and veteren PG to go with Rondo.
Pollard is a joke, but hey.
Signing Pollard is not really strengthening, but IMO, just filling the spots and he will be sitting on the bench just as he did with Cavs.... House signing was good, they get another perimeter shooter...

Well, Celtics are center of 2007 trade... and either Danny Ainge or Kevin McHale will go down in manager history at best or worst moves..

Yes.. i agree with Brad.. these PP,KG.RA combo is really huge, 3 teams used to build around them and they are now together in just one team..

But I'd take a New Orleans team of Chris Paul, Peja Stojakovic, Morris Peterson, David West and Tyson Chandler over Kevin Garnett, Ray Allen, Paul Pierce and Brian Scalabrine anyday mate.


Are you serious??? Well, rotation is key to the team, yes, no one will play 40 minutes a game but i don't think Scalabrine will not have much minutes to play trust me, when Celtics go small, KG can even run at C.. coz on fast offense, it's not about mass, it's just height...

anyway, this is a good discussion...
Firstly, to The Truth -

Yes, I do discount the team of Pierce, Allen and Garnett with a comment like that. How many championships have those three won, how many times have they been to the finals? They've only ever been once to the conference finals between the three of them.


All 3 have actually been to the conference finals mate so get your facts straight
You're opinion on the what is behind the "Big 3" for the Celtics, it could be spot on. They have a 14 man roster currently, just awaiting the signing of the 2 drafted rookies at the moment though. So it's not as though they only have 4 or 5 guys to go with the "Big 3" like you're trying to claim. One second you give props to guys like Big Baby and Rondo, then you make out as though they are non contributers and not even worth having on the bench or just plain non-existent !?!? lol You're forgetting Tony Allen, a big part of the line-up. We know what he can do already. He virtually took over Pierce's job when he was out last season, as well as contributing more on the defensive end. He's a steal machine. You are also under judging Rondo. He's better than Delonte at everytning except scoring and blocking shots at this point, but he can still take the lane as good as Delonte did. He managed just fine at the end of last year helping run the offense, he is more sure footed than Delonte at it. Sorry to bag you out Jim, but when it comes to the Celtics, you usually don't have much of an idea, although I always like to read and respect your opinion lol.

I now see what you mean by the definition of a BIG3. And that's fine, but for me, I have a different definition, so I don't really agree, although your points are correct and valid.

New Jersey would come close though, to that criteria with Carter coming from being the franchise in Toronto, and joining Jason Kidd. I mean, I would make a case to argue that any of (Nash, Amare, Marion) could be leaders of respective teams and it's just fortunate that they all began their careers with the same team but yeah, can't really be bothered.

If that's your definition of a BIG3 that's fair enough, although I don't think that the 3 of them being leaders on their own team will really translate into anything, because other teams with 3 superstars all have multiple leaders, they just happened to be on the same franchise roster.

And, about New Orleans and Boston, I would make a wager with you, but I don't do underage betting. ;)

And lastly, don't worry Truth, your not bagging me out, haha we're just discussing, I cut down people sometimes, and you have the right to do the same when we discuss your franchise.

Although it maybe is a bit far, saying I have no clue, because clearly I do have some clue, I'm just tilted on the other side of the opinion spectrum.

By the way, I definately give props to guys like Glen Davis (who still isn't signed) and Rajon Rondo, because they are great players, but to say that they would be first off the bench (not Rondo obviously, he's starting) and can maintain the level of play that the superstars bring isn't realistic.

Your right, they have a decent team on paper now, Kendrick Perkins, Rajon Rondo, Glen Davis, Tony Allen, Eddie House + Scott Pollard on the bench, but they need more experienced players who are used to being in and out of the lineup/first rotation and who know how to be effective 6th men.

Apart from maybe Tony Allen and Eddie House, the rest aren't big minute eaters and slide more into the lower half of the bench.

Points taken, good discussion mate.

ps - it's not nice to bag out young children :p (jokes)
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