Buying redemptions


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eBay User
Just want see what everyone has done when buying redemptions, do you pay for the shipping so you get the actual redemption card or have/would you take the risk and have the seller email you the code?
I generally have the card sent to me and have the seller (if they agree) send me the code via email.

So far I havent had any problems with it!

I've just tried the "get the seller to scratch the code and scan the result" approach for the first time ... no problems at all.

Guess it depends on how much you trust the seller ... eg. feedback 100% with >100 transactions ... pretty trustworthy to me.
If it's a Harris card, I'll have the card sent to me, but for non-PC, I'll ask for the redemption code.

Havent had any problems with it.

Always be nice asking for the code, as you won't have to pay postage, and they won't have to worry about it not turning up.
Well redemptions are much cheaper than buying the real card, so paying more postage doesn't matter much to me.
Gotta say the last few I have bought I just got the redemption code.... saves paying the ripoff shipping costs! :D

I hear you.... !!!

thanks guys for your experiences.... just wanted to see if others had any issue with getting away from shipping by getting the redemption code email & not have to wait a week or 2 for the card....
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