Blog Help...


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I'm new to blogging, and well, I just went to update, and I got a message:
The text that you have entered is too long (10119 characters). Please shorten it to 10000 characters long.

How do I do this right?

I noticed on the Blog frontpage, also that there's multiple entries for some guys.

How do we do that?

Should we be doing multiple entries for each entry?

I'm just trying to blog my pickups, and collection updates. What's the best way to do it?

Blog is basically one page thing, and move on..

so, if u keep updating same blog, i think u will have problem with the characters allowed on a single page.

As you may have noticed, There's no post count on the blog replies, because an initial blog is the one that counts...

so, you cannot treat blog as daily update.. you create one today, next day, you create another and move on...

or, reply to the original blog and keep updating, which i think is not really well-organized.

hope that helps
I only add/update when I pick something up, or something in my PC changes/happens.

So 1 per day/event is what you're saying?

Thanks for the info Linn.

Not really sure if it's for me then. I don't like the idea of 100s of "posts". I'd rather all in one.
I only add/update when I pick something up, or something in my PC changes/happens.

So 1 per day/event is what you're saying?

Thanks for the info Linn.

Not really sure if it's for me then. I don't like the idea of 100s of "posts". I'd rather all in one.

Had no idea you were even updating it, so hadn;t read past the first! Since there were no new comments and such there was no way of telling you'd updated...

As Linn said, a blog is basically a diary. So you do a new page per new entry. Yes this ends up equalling alot, but then that's what a blog is!
I only add/update when I pick something up, or something in my PC changes/happens.

So 1 per day/event is what you're saying?

Thanks for the info Linn.

You are welcome... in blog, you can categorize, so people can actually view your specially categorized blogs... but i am afraid the nature of blog is one post and others' comments, and then move on to next one. it's basically like news to me.....

if you want to update and etc.. maybe Graham can add wiki feature.!.there, u can create your own page about certain topic.. then u can update and add as time goes by....

for archive data, content management systems are suitable IMO.. Most CMS actually have forum/blog built-in... but not itrader system.. :cry:
You should create new ones each day!

Like Ben said, I didn't realise you updated your first post until I read it above!
Ahh ok, I'll give it a go. I just didnt like the idea of having 100s of different blogs everywhere.

Perhaps I should just create a post? lol. Might work better? Cos Blogs are separte, and posts are in a thread. if that makes sense?
Ahh ok, I'll give it a go. I just didnt like the idea of having 100s of different blogs everywhere.

Perhaps I should just create a post? lol. Might work better? Cos Blogs are separte, and posts are in a thread. if that makes sense?
I think there is a limit on the size of a post as well
But having a Thread, they're all in the one spot. Wheras with the blogs, they're everywhere.

I'll leave this as a question to Admin, if I were to create a thread for my blogs, would it be ok?

Blogs are everywhere if people only browse the recent ones. Or they can search for your blog in particular (to view yours, the link on the left) and all your blog entries, in order of creation, will be listed together.

EDIT: If people click the 'Total Blogs' link on the left, it brings up each member who has started a blog and the number of Blog Entries (different posts) they have made. This way people can look at only yours or mine or whatever. They are all grouped together under your name.
I'll leave this as a question to Admin, if I were to create a thread for my blogs, would it be ok?

Not quite sure what you mean ? Blog is a blog, thread is a thread. Use one or the other. Eventually there will be an addition where the contents of a blog will be crossposted in a blog forum, but not right now.
Well, if you check out my blog, I've reached the max limit.

And if I create multiple blogs, they won't be all together, right?

So if I used a thread, and just posted on it, that would be separate entries, but all together, for anyone wishing to read them, they can.

Does that make sense?
Well, if you check out my blog, I've reached the max limit.

And if I create multiple blogs, they won't be all together, right?

So if I used a thread, and just posted on it, that would be separate entries, but all together, for anyone wishing to read them, they can.

Does that make sense?

Scotty, if you create multiples they WILL be together. You can only have 1 blog, but multiple entries, as I stated in my previous post. They will all be listed together under your name in the Ozcard Blog section. Try clicking on 'Total Blog 9' and then my name, you'll see my 3 posts listed together in the 1 blog.
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