Best/Worst NBA Team Logos/Uniforms

Allstar cards inc

"Got one more than Shaq!"
Traralgon, Victoria
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Just wanting to stir some debate about some of the uniforms and logos of teams in the league both currently and in the past....and wondered "what were they thinking??"

There are always your timeless classics like the Lakers, Spurs and the Celtics and then there are other "interesting" ones like the Pistons teal blue and some of the Cavs unis from the mid '90's.

I'm interested to see what others thinks are the best and worst in the history of the league...if you can, add some example pics of of the good and the bad!!!
without a doubt, the heats pink orange black monstrosity, soooo ugly. celtics would have to be the greatest uni, cos its classic, simple, timeless.
SA with their light pink/light blue/black colour combos

The rockets logo right now sucks as it's not ledgable. You look at any NBA game when it loads up and the only one you cant read is the rockets.
How COOL are these old School Nuggets jerseys:

love those old school denver jerseys. hehe

for jersey: miami pink/black combo, cavs pre lebron entering the leauge
for logo: rockets, the ming dynatsy lol. the old rockets logo owned
I can't really comment on jersey's I don't like...

But I loved the early 90s Wolves blue jersey... I almost always play in that on my games..... but Celtics and Lakers 80s jerseys also fantastic Yellow for Lakers, and white for Celtics preferrred....
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