best and Nastiest pippen patch ever made!!!

Gotta love that sick Pippen, also loving your attitude mate, nothing Sh1ts me more when people slide cards especially when it's from a poor product as well.
I LOVE it slobby..... sick stuff mate... but I have one question.....

Did you say you got told off by a woman in a pram!?

LMAO...I was wondering the same thing...

'N'ot bad mail at all

yeah, forgot to elaborate, it was his last shield game in newcaslte and he was signing... i pushed in the line because there was a big gap, so i just jumped in cos i wanted my poster signed, next thing you know a lady came up to me, tapped me on the shoulder and abused for pushing in and how some kid is going to miss out because i was selfish, i said to her you've just lost your place in line to abuse me now you too will miss out...she just huffed off, the bloke behind me who i pushed in in front of was ok cos i said if im the last person to have mine signed and he misses out id give it to him and his son selfish SOB...did you get it signed anyway? Karma would dictate that you didn't get it signed and because you jumped in the queue, you took 2 minutes longer to get to your car park, your parking ticket expired, you got hit with a $1000 fine because the infringement officer had found his wife sleeping with his brother, and as you turned around to throw the fine in the bin, an elephant wandered into the neighbouring vicinity and shat all over your jetski.


hahahahaha no mate i got it signed!!! and my office is just round the corner so i didnt get a fine....and karma is affraid of slobbythegreat! it doesnt want to pi$$ me off!
Love the red/green wheelbarrow in the garage Slob. I've seen plenty of all-red ones and lots of all-green ones, and only a handful of green base/red tray.......but never seen the red base/green tray/silver handle combo. A triple swatch!! Congrats, great score!!!