Anyone got the Villanueva performance clause?


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I thought I saw one on ebay recently and I'm wondering if someone here picked it up. The boy grabbed 18 boards today, which is enough to redeem it.
scottsophie said:
I nearly grabbed it. Should have now.

I was thinking about it too. Then I looked up his stats for the year and didn't think he'd get near it. I should've taken Bosh's injury and a double OT into account.

Damn my lack of foresight!
kidd05 said:
Villy is on fire lately! They keep losing though. :lol:

he's getting a lot more of the ball with Bosh down, but I think their season has been a wash for a while now, so he gets good numbers, they keep losing and get a high draft pick. Everyone wins... especially those who play against them! ;)
Pretty sure it was 18 boards. Either hat or 17, but I know he got the required number.
jimboiitmac said:
nah, i mean what was the clause? He gets that many boards, you send it in and what do you get back?
most likely it will be an auto/gu coz thats a fair effort to get.
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