Andrew Johns.....drug-taker.

Allstar cards inc

"Got one more than Shaq!"
Traralgon, Victoria
Real Name
eBay User
Does this change peoples opinion of him??

Even the AFL Footy Show ran part of the interview from the NRL Footy Show....

DEVELOPING STORY: Australian rugby league great Andrew Johns has revealed he had been in the grip of drugs throughout his whole playing career.

The retired Newcastle, NSW and Kangaroos star, regarded by many as rugby league's greatest player, will reveal his personal struggle with drugs and alcohol tonight on Nine's NRL Footy Show.

Johns was issued with an official caution for possession of an ecstasy tablet in London on Sunday.
doesnt suprise me as i put AFL and NRL as 1 of the worst policy in regards to recreational drugs or performance drugs. one of the only leagues where you dont get suspended for taking drugs but get suspended for bumping the umpire. i think both leagues need to overhaul there policy and follow the NBA code or soccer code. heck nba players get suspended just for talking back too much at a referee or like soccer players where they get 1 to 2 years for missing a drug test.
he said he took them for 10 years,to escape the hype,pressure what ever he wants to call it,imo thats crap,if you cant handle the pressure dont play,using drugs to escape is just a crap excuse!

Used to be a big fan, until now.

Role models can't do this. They have a responsibility to the young kids who look up to them.
To escape the pressure... what a cop out.

Johns was a massive name, and idol for many, and probably the entire town of Newcastle for 10 years. To admit he did drugs is going to leave a sour taste in many people's mouths.
Very sad to see such a great become so little. I am not surprised if more than half league guys are doing the same if not worse.
Gee it cant get any worse for Newcastle surely??
All the stuff with Smith, Kirk, almost certain to get the wooden spoon and now this :(
having grown up in newcastle and went to uni with mad dog macdougall, and being there when they won their first final against manly, i never followed the sport.

but i did know a lot of people that did, and i did train at the gym with the knights and their reserve grade team. it was well known that johns was a big drug user, he would often be seen out on the weekend high as a kite on smack.

in fact, the rumour, or possibly truth now, was that when he took time off during their finals run a few years back becasue of the injured neck, was beciase he was messed up on drugs.

either way, u give a bogan too much money and what r they gonna do?? shawn kemp anyone?
having grown up in newcastle and went to uni with mad dog macdougall, and being there when they won their first final against manly, i never followed the sport.

but i did know a lot of people that did, and i did train at the gym with the knights and their reserve grade team. it was well known that johns was a big drug user, he would often be seen out on the weekend high as a kite on smack.

in fact, the rumour, or possibly truth now, was that when he took time off during their finals run a few years back becasue of the injured neck, was beciase he was messed up on drugs.

either way, u give a bogan too much money and what r they gonna do?? shawn kemp anyone?

This is a shocker - The golden boy of league.....imagine all the kids who will be crushed. What did his brother have to say about it - he musta known.....come to think of it - he's probably on them too.

There's a bit of a history here
Peter Jackson - cocaine OD wasn't it?
Matt Seers....
having grown up in newcastle and went to uni with mad dog macdougall, and being there when they won their first final against manly, i never followed the sport.

but i did know a lot of people that did, and i did train at the gym with the knights and their reserve grade team. it was well known that johns was a big drug user, he would often be seen out on the weekend high as a kite on smack.

I can relate to this. I lived in Newcastle for 4 years while I was studying and on many occasions bumped into Knights players, whether it was at uni, at the gym or out at the clubs. It was well known that Joey along with some of his teammates liked going out and getting messed up. It was disappointing then and more so now. He's a grown man with a family and yet he had all that "pressure"..

I still think the guy is a talented player, one of the best, but he's always been very weak in my eyes.
It's disappointing... he should have kept his mouth shut - mostly because it tarnishes the clean image he developed for all those kids - some of them are going to think its ok to go and get wasted now.

That's my problem with the way the news handles drug information on professional sports players - is that they are exposing kids to the problem. I think if a player is in rehab they are making the right choice and shouldn't have their otherwise unknown habit made known to the general public.

I think that is where my stance between the two hawthorn players not named but I'm sure some people out there know who they are (I don't) and Ben COusins is different. Cousins only wanted rehab when forced into it. The Hawthorn players have made the choice not related to club or league pressure....

this doesn't mean I condone the use of drugs... but I think you gotta help a guy out if he is doing the right thing for the right reason and not just cos he got caught out.... (society does in general for non high profile drug users)

and people who got through their career and didn't get caught - should shut the heck up about it.... we all know drug use is prevalent... because often where there is money (and where there isn't) there is a percentage of society who will use drugs. So don't expose more kids to their idols being drugged up lackeys...

just my 2 cents...
Johns was King Shit in Newcastle. He could have been a mass rapist and gotten away with it. He was always potrayed with a golden image from the media to make Newcastle look good. I only lived there 18 months, but it doesn't take you very long to find out these things. He was always at Fanny's night clud (most exclusive in Newy) for 18yo chics. He has a history of adultery too, he was caught in bed with Ben Kennedy's missus and was the main reason why he left for Manly a few years back.

And to be honest the drugs don't suprise me one bit..
it seems to me that plenty of people associated with the game new about it. his brother, phil gould (and possibly other journos), his teammates, his coach, the club, probably people in the NRL. and they covered it up, it is an absolute joke.

meanwhile you have other players like sonny bill and craig gower getting their balls busted for their indiscretions while the biggest name in the game gets off scott free

its really poor form on the part of the NRL

i feel sorry for kids and people who looked up to him (and the parents of kids who did). I feel sorry for all those NRL players that do the right thing and dont get mixed up in this sort of mess, and i do feel sorry for joey. while it seems he had quite the charmed life, obviously he has been struggling with some personal demons for quite a while. It is unfortunate for him that the people close to him did nothing to help him before now (and no, i am not trying to abdicate him from responsibility)
maybe we should take a leaf out of this woman's book.

in the states at the moment there is a lot of big news about NFL player Michael Vick, who got busted with fighting dogs or something. see this story from

About a dozen chewed-up, slobbered-on Michael Vick football cards sold Wednesday in an eBay auction for $7,400.

"My goal was about $200, I thought that would be amazing," says Rochelle Steffen, who pulled all of the Vick cards from her collection and let Monte, her 6-year-old Weimaraner (right), and Roxie, her Great Dane puppy, go to town on them.

Steffen, 31 of Cape Girardeau, Mo., says that half of the money from her auction will go to the Safe Harbor Animal Sanctuary (a local animal shelter) and the other half will go to the local Human Society.

The winning bidder happens to be from Steffen's home town, and a media event is planned for Thursday in which the winner will write checks at each shelter. Steffen hopes that this will motivate people to donate at their local shelters.

"It was all about the animals. It wasn't about the player," she says.

Since her auction began generating buzz, more than 30 similar auctions have popped up on eBay

anyone for a Joey NRL card that has been used to cut up drugs? :)
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