Adios Mavericks


Has to be heart breaking for their fans, to have such a great season and just have the misfortune of running into the one team that has their measure in the playoffs... They're easily the best team in the league, but just can't beat the Warriors for some reason, really they could have been swept.
its nelly and his game time tactics and also Dirk !!! he needed to be big but he wasnt !!! another great white hipe in making ?
the winner of the Suns-Spurs battle would be considered the best chance now, especially if either of them can easily win (4-0, 4-1), while if the Pistons-Bulls is a sweep by someone they could be considered favs as well

You know, I actually half expected a real smart-arsed comment from you Barge, perhaps it's going to come from White-Choco.


Sure, it's disappointing, but it's not the end of the world.

I don't see Avery making any changes to the roster, unless people want out.

I won't see this game for a few days, but if it's anything like Game 4, then I can understand why the Mavs had no chance.

Sure Dirk was cold, but he tried. Not everyone is great on every day.
Perhaps an MVP Award might help ease the pain, but I'm sure people will write him off seen as tho "he failed" to pull the Mavs out of the GSW hole they were in after Game 1.

I'm not sure why people consider this such an upset, is it because GS only JUST made the Playoffs? Or because they had "help" from Nellie? Or??

GSW are a TOUGH TEAM, not because they knocked out the Mavs, not because Dirk was held to minial points, because they have scorers, their defense is not that great, everyone knows that.

They are quite similar to Phoenix, they have slashers, they have a great PG, their C's suck, but they have quick, athletic, scorers.... Which make them hard to defend, AND win against.

Phoenix definately have to be the faves now to take it out, but who would know.....Spurs might knock them off, only to get knocked out by Utah, only to lose to New Jersey...
after today Dirks MVP hopes are preety much shot
think Nash is 3 peating

it's easy to think that, but you will find that the votes are collected i think either before this playoff series started or very early on and are based solely on the regular season performance!!

but would definitely be a weird situation if Dirk wins it (which i personally still think he will) and not even be in the second round

i think it will be one of the closest MVP votes in history. if Dirk came out and owned Nash in that OT game late in the season instead of letting Nash become the hero from that game i think it would of been the nail in the coffin, but that game in particular would of kept the MVP votes very tight!!

Us mavs gans are quite used to playoff chokes so dont worry we'll recover
The MVP votes were made before the playoffs started. Dirk should still get the award!

No matter what spin you want to put on it, the Mavs choked hard. maybe harder than anyone has ever choked in nba history.

One of the greatest regular seasons ever, and they got completely owned by a young team who struggled into the 8th seed in the west. aint no positives you can take out of that.

If i was a mavs fan i would be so pissed off at my team. who knows what happened...maybe it was mental. the mavs cruised through the regular season so effortlessly, with only phoenix giving them a shake at being the best team in the league, maybe they started believing their own hype and thought the playoffs would be as easy. conversely, the warriors are young, confident team. once they got that first win under their belts, they knew they could knock off the top dog. i cant really comment as i didnt watch every game, but the games i did see, it was amazing, as if the roles were reversed: mavs were the 8th seed that struggled into the playoffs and warriors were the best ****in team in the league. thats how they played.
nash = mvp, glad to see the mavs bow out, cos if they didnt bow out now the dirk would have a ring in a matter of weeks.. it was a given, only the warriors could stop them, and they did..

mavs shoulda used the slogan/motivation = dont mean a thing without the ring

You could not be so wrong if you tried...

The Mavs struggled against the Warriors, period. No way did they enter that series thinking it would be "easy". No Playoff series is ever easy.

Jackson and Davis were just too hard to stop in this series.

You know, if the Mavs had have won, everyone (including you) would be kissing their arse, it's just that cos they didnt, and they lost to an 8th seed, everyone is all over their case.

Mavs need to do this, Mavs couldnt do that, Mavs will change next season, rah rah rah...

I said it from the start, I would have preferred the Lakers, as I knew that the Warriors would be very hard to beat. And it was obvious they were.

Should read a little more into the Media talks, and statements made by the Mavs.

Avery always said #1 seed, and 67 wins, will all be for nothing without the Championship.
Mavs just werent ready.....this is kinda like what happend to the Sonics in the 1990s...but 67 6th best all time......very very embarrassing for them.

I'm happy for Don Nelson though, must feel sweet beating your ex team.
I wonder how Mark Cuban is feeling right now! haha
Wow, I find it kind of sad that so many people take joy in the Mavs losing in the first round. I hate the Heat with a passion after last years finals, but I didn't make a single comment on their sweeping. Whats everyone's reason to hate (honestly)?

I said it on the other thread, so here goes....


many playoffs series are easy. the pistons accounted for the magic without breaking a sweat, dont know what you mean there scotty. jackson and davis were amazing, but Dirk was equally disapointing. his ppg avg dropped 6 pts, and his shooting percentages were woeful (38%FG, 21%3pt). like you said yourself, GS dont play great defense, so therefore it must be Dirk that choked under the pressure.

if the mavs won, no one would have batted an eyelid, because thats exactly what they should have done, being a team that got 67-15 as opposed to 42-40 during the season. the mavericks are a playoff hardened team by now, and the warriors were young and inexperienced. i certainly wouldnt be kissing their ass if they won (you seem to forget ive always hated the mavs ). if you mavericks supporters cant see that this was an attrocious turn of events, and that the mavericks should be ashamed of their insipid performances, then your being just too one eyed.

And if phoenix ever put on a pathetic display like that, ill be just as scathing of them. count on it.
damn, talk about dissapointing. when Dirk wins the MVP, I don't think he'll be too happy. I get so much crap about Miami, so I guess this threads for Dallas.

Sure Miami lost and got swept, by Chicago which is a great team. However most of you said we wouldn't even make the playoffs, so it's not a huge deal, although it is still embarressing.

But Dallas made history this time, being the first #1 seed to be beaten by a #8 seed in a 7 game series.

67 games, all down the drain. This season's " legacy " won't be remembered at all.

and for all Dirk's crazed fans, this series proved why he isn't the MVP. No doubt that will set controversial arguments up, but I can't be bothered, results speak for themselves.
Wow, I find it kind of sad that so many people take joy in the Mavs losing in the first round. I hate the Heat with a passion after last years finals, but I didn't make a single comment on their sweeping. Whats everyone's reason to hate (honestly)?

Im a Spurs fan

Im honestly so happy for the Warriors fans, who after 14 or so years of shithouse teams, crazy decisions and bad trades, that they made the playoffs, and secondly that they were able to keep the party going (and with Conan O'Brien in town).

Those fans are insanely loyal after all the crap they have copped, and the way they cheer and emotionally lift the team, nobody would want to go there and play under that kinda pressure.

I'm apathetic to the Mavs losing; they sorta remind of the Gasol led Grizz teams that made the playoffs 3 years in a row and lost 4-0 each time; The Mavs played hard and tough, mainly because of the pain of the Finals loss, every night in a League where many players are wondering what to spend their pay cheques on, or what bar they are going once the buzzer sounds, (or if they are John Amaechi, how good the opposition looks in that colour scheme), rather than what play they are running or if the teams defensive spacing is right. The Mavs won probably a few more games than they should have, and that created more expectations. Then again maybe they didnt, they are a sweet team.

Conversely the Warriors didnt get their shit together until after Nellie said they were crap and he had no idea how to handle them; the Indy-GSW trade helped as well (can you imagine Dunleavy doing anything to help in this series? maybe if he dressed up in a dirk suit and tricked the mavs into passing to him instead of the real dirk). They were a lot better than there 42-40 record, Mavs quite possibly worse than 67-15, a 25 win difference.

The difference of 25 games is a lot, very rarely will you see that in the playoffs, and any time you get beaten with that kinda record its a upset.

The real record to look is this one; GSW 3-1 Dallas. Thats the regular season record between them, as well as the fact the Warriors were very hot going in. Every team has team they struggle against; the Philadelphia's of the world beat someone to get a 20-62 record; the majority of the teams its Memphis and Boston, but they beat Phoenix as well.

In reality the difference between the teams wasnt much; the seedings said otherwise.

anyway... its cos im a Spurs fan, and i remember how up yourself mavs fans were last year ( i cant wait to here it of the Suns fans if they beat us!)
Dallas appear to be the South Africa of cricket.

When it comes to the big time they can't seem to get their act together.

Mentally very very weak.

They also ended the streak of teams with winning percentages over 80% to win the championship.

If Dirk wins the MVP it's a bittersweet symphony.

Full credit to the Warriors though