24 Boxes 24 Days - Traders Giveaway Results - ALL WINNERS ANNOUNCED


Congratulations @sharkiefan0102 who is our lucky Day 19 winner - please start a convo with me with your details and I will pass them onto ESP so they can send out your prize!

If you haven't entered yet, please reply to this thread - http://ozcards.com/24boxes24days Still 5 chances to win one of the 24 boxes!

Thanks again to ESP for these very AWESOME prizes!

Another winner tomorrow night!


Congratulations @Holdendazz who is our lucky Day 20 winner - please start a convo with me with your details and I will pass them onto ESP so they can send out your prize!

If you haven't entered yet, please reply to this thread - http://ozcards.com/24boxes24days Still 4 chances to win one of the 24 boxes!

Thanks again to ESP for these very AWESOME prizes!

Another winner tomorrow night!


Congratulations @tb1954 who is our lucky Day 21 winner - please start a convo with me with your details and I will pass them onto ESP so they can send out your prize!

If you haven't entered yet, please reply to this thread - http://ozcards.com/24boxes24days Still 3 chances to win one of the 24 boxes!

Thanks again to ESP for these very AWESOME prizes!

Another winner tomorrow night!


Congratulations @ozguy3825 who is our lucky Day 22 winner - please start a convo with me with your details and I will pass them onto ESP so they can send out your prize!

If you haven't entered yet, please reply to this thread - http://ozcards.com/24boxes24days Only 2 chances left to win one of the 24 boxes!

Thanks again to ESP for these very AWESOME prizes!

Another winner tomorrow night!


Congratulations @parra lettics who is our lucky Day 23 winner - please start a convo with me with your details and I will pass them onto ESP so they can send out your prize!

If you haven't entered yet, please reply to this thread - http://ozcards.com/24boxes24days Only 1 chance left to win one of the 24 boxes!

Thanks again to ESP for these very AWESOME prizes!

Another winner tomorrow night!


Congratulations @parra lettics who is our lucky Day 23 winner - please start a convo with me with your details and I will pass them onto ESP so they can send out your prize!

If you haven't entered yet, please reply to this thread - http://ozcards.com/24boxes24days Only 1 chance left to win one of the 24 boxes!

Thanks again to ESP for these very AWESOME prizes!

Another winner tomorrow night!

wow thanks alot .....i cant believe i won something
thankyou to ESP for this wonderful prize.
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Congratulations @jrinbulli who is our lucky Day 24 winner - please start a convo with me with your details and I will pass them onto ESP so they can send out your prize!

And that's it - 24 winners in 24 days! Huge thank you to ESP for the awesome prizes. I'm sure I can speak on behalf of all members when I say that they are very much appreciated. Be sure to post your thanks yous to ESP so we can direct them to this thread and show them :)

Thanks everyone - doing a draw every night for 24 nights is now a highlight in my list of things i've done ;)

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