Trade & Feedback Manager - your thoughts?


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No promises at this stage, but this is a mock-up of a page i'd like to have to be able to manage feedback for trades done on OZCT.


I have a price from the developers to make this page (I'll be using money from the Premium Memberships). While It's not exactly cheap, personally I think it would make it so much easier to track your deals and manage the feedback. However I'm looking for your input before I go getting this done.

Any thoughts or ideas to improve this?

It will only be able to track the feedback for any new deals, but the page will at least have all of your trade deals in one easily accessible location.
Definetly a great idea nothing worse than chasing people for feedback or also forgetting if you have left feedback or not
Live the idea mate! Can't see anything wrong with how it is setup either!! I tend to either have no trades on the go at all or all of a sudden over a week or 2 have heaps on the go an they get hard to keep track of!!
The only other thing i've thought of is a filter so you can show deals you haven't left feedback for, and deals you haven't received feedback for so you can chase them up!
Great program...make it available for premium members only !!
A little extra incentive to join up
This is the first I have seen this!! Excellent idea, I jut caught up on my FB today and found it hard to remember which I had to do still!
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