Shoppers on notice over internet tax dodge

Man I hate taxes :( I don't see how sealed cases being imported is taking away business from a legitimate source supplying sealed cases to the general public today. Don't businesses pay these taxes because they get lots of extra benefits for being a business !?
Gerry Harvey must be giving them grief behind closed doors instead now...
well thing is I have no issue with taxes. But if I am getting goods that I cannot easily get in Australia I should be able to get them at price they are sold at. Especially cards when it is for hobby collecting.
Dominik - I disike paying tax too but that would be unfair to other tax payers, just because something is rare to find in Australia, doesnt mean it should be exempt from tax.
Dominik - I disike paying tax too but that would be unfair to other tax payers, just because something is rare to find in Australia, doesnt mean it should be exempt from tax.

I disagree because your not hurting the local competition. Especially when it is for a Hobby. If i was selling it then yes I would agree.

Also, how come people can sell about $20,000 worth on eBay each year and claim it is a hobby and not pay taxes on that? This is assuming you already got another paying job.
I disagree because your not hurting the local competition. Especially when it is for a Hobby. If i was selling it then yes I would agree..

Yeah I know what your saying, maybe the ATO needs to update its legislation to include such niche markets?

Also, how come people can sell about $20,000 worth on eBay each year and claim it is a hobby and not pay taxes on that? This is assuming you already got another paying job

Maybe thats not classed as a taxable income or I think you can sell a total of $20,000 worth of goods online before you get taxed.??
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