Help me decide. Which is better?

Mr Kevin Garnett

Garnett's #1 Fan!
Jessica Alba's Bedroom

The Flair Letterman card looks more appealing to my eyes.

You could expect to fork out a couple of hundreds USD for these type of cards.

There was one of Allen Iverson with the letter *V* of Flair Letterman, which went for $300+ USD

And here we are talking about KG which may cost similar or more or less.... depends I guess..

Good luck!
I'd say it'l go around US$300-400 for the SPGU.

The letterman looks gay. :D I wouldn't pay more than US$120 for that if I was a KG collector.
personally i like the sp better, i like that it has a picture of the player on the card
If the G was whole, I'd say that one. It's a much nicer looking card, and it's the Start of his surname. Not the middle.

Good luck Timmy, be nice to see some Letterman Maildays... (if only mine was here).
The SP would be better if the letter hadn't been cut of the jersey. But it is still a nice card
I like the Game Used better for overall look. But having the G is better than E and I would bet that the Flair is much cheaper.
Some very good points.

I personally like the Flair. It will definately sell alot cheaper than the SP but Some of the "G" is cut off and no picture of the player.

The SP looks great but the way they cut the card looks fugly. If only they looked like Wilts Lettermens. They fill out the whole card.

I think I'm going to have a dig at the flair. If unsuccessful there's still the SP!
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