Xbox 360 - 2K9 2nd Tournament Prep Thread

gordon7 u wanna play tomorrow night? hopefully wont cut out bloody 4th qtr 79-83 with only 5 mins to go or something ay.. that was a piss off to say the least.
gordon7 u wanna play tomorrow night? hopefully wont cut out bloody 4th qtr 79-83 with only 5 mins to go or something ay.. that was a piss off to say the least.

Hey mate, what happened in those 2 games? Both disconnections? Send me a PM...

---------- Post added at 09:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:59 PM ----------

gordon7 u wanna play tomorrow night? hopefully wont cut out bloody 4th qtr 79-83 with only 5 mins to go or something ay.. that was a piss off to say the least.

Just to add in regards to the Detroit/Portland game, I've sent both of you an email, can you please check that out when you get a chance? Thanks mate.

disconnection in the 1st with gordon7 and got your email about the 2nd, hope it all works out. probaly wont be on til friday now, nearly out of space. but will be on all night fri/ all day sat/sun cus my isp account rolls over friday. so anyone playin me this round will have to wait for fri/all next week. cheers

Yo the connection was very laggy and the game cut out. i have orginised to reply the game. please clear this game and my pistons game which the xbox frooze.

---------- Post added at 03:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:22 PM ----------

Yo does that mean you were playing with speed capped ADSL. if so that explains the EXETREME LAGFEAST that was our game last night.
is this the same month you had your earlier downloading issues with? if so, that's fair enough, but if it's a new billing month, you might need to change to a new isp or plan! or stop downloading those vids
is this the same month you had your earlier downloading issues with? if so, that's fair enough, but if it's a new billing month, you might need to change to a new isp or plan! or stop downloading those vids

nah same month man.. isp sucks only 5gb per month.

---------- Post added at 05:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:56 PM ----------

-- count me out. sheeds a little *****.
For the record, darkspider is out of the comp. He elected to "quit" after being put under pressure from Admin.

nah too good of a sportman.. actually played by the rules given. "for the record" lol give me a break. if you remember I quit in the first email. and pressure.. mate you need to grow up hey!
nah too good of a sportman.. actually played by the rules given. "for the record" lol give me a break. if you remember I quit in the first email. and pressure.. mate you need to grow up hey!

It's done with, just leave it alone. Cool?

---------- Post added at 08:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:32 PM ----------

thats unfortunate to hear. any new people to fill the void?

Based on the last few replacements it shouldn't take long. I have three guys from another forum I'm sending PM's to soon. That said, I hate replacing any spot but if it has to happen it has to happen. Hopefully it won't be to long.

Will send an email off shortly to anyone who has Portland coming up this round.
im cool if my username stops being brought up over it. what ya trying to do here? thought you guys were stand up players..

Man no ones naming and shaming or accusing anyone of anything here publicly. You've done nothing wrong league wise. You choose to quit that's fine. That's all there is to it.