Trying to get something started (PERTH CARD SHOW)

They will supply 27 Tables and 120 chairs for the event.

We need at least 10 stalls/sellers for this event to go ahead.

Once we have 10 sellers I will email everybody involved on dates etc.
And i'd be selling NBA boxes/packs/cards if thats cool.

Hey Mate,

Pretty sure if this goes ahead Terry (A1Cards) and Whodat would have main control in the area of boxes packs etc.

But single cards would defiantly be great!
I would definately participate but I dont have enough to be selling. I will be coming down to trade and maybe purchase a few singles.
ok whats the best way about scanning like 2000 odd cards? most are common. and i dont even know which ones are the cream lol. not really avid collector anymore haha can you tell.

Let me have a bit of a digg and see what I can come up with
yeah if there commons they arent worth too much like 1c maybe but players like Jordan, Barkley andother stars maybe worth something so i reckon just scan what you think are the stars! hope that helps mate
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