Timmy Cahill Autograph - Mail Day


Real Name
Hey Chaps,

Just like BoondasH1's previous post about his Kewell autograph i've been waiting for this one for a month as well! curse you snail mail UPS!
I've been pacing back and forth on getting a Cahill futera auto for a while but have noticed alot of the signatures on ebay seemed very rush, crooked etc...
thats when i saw this nice clean and straight one with his jersey number as well nubmered #22/50

also picked up his Ruby card #/450
apologies if the mobile photo is crap...

thanks for looking guys!
Thanks guys!
I think both cards go great side by side...
Probably a new favourite card in my collection
Quality card there mate and definitely one of his better auto’s, well done on that.
Great to see a few Futera mail days recently….keep them coming
Thanks man, shame he's not playing on Friday night as i would have expected him to get a brace against Malaysia!
Thats half decent Warney to what's out there

I would say majority of these cards have shocker auto's........... that's why its good to pay extra for the good auto's