Suggestion - Bumper Stickers?


Launceston, Tasmania
Real Name
Hi all,

I was driving along today when I noticed the car in front of me had a 'Mark Webber Forum' bumper sticker, and I thought this could be a great addition for the site (if this hasn't already been suggested).

I feel it may work as an advertisement for new members, and could potentially create more of an interest in the hobby.

I haven't suggested it to Graham yet, so I'm not sure how realistic it is, or even how we could go about it... but I would love to display a OCT bumper sticker on my car!


Cheers, Cal
that would be a graet idea and maybe it would be cool to have our user name on them to so how??
my wife seems to thinks that she could make them if needed.......shes a smart cookie when it come to this sort of stuff=D>
I like this idea. A sticker of the Oz Card Trader logo, it could be put on the back of your car windscreen or the bar fridge etc. My car club does this and it has been a success.

I am a courier driving around Brisbane all day so i have the space for a sticker to advertise to the throngs sitting on my anus!
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