Motor Sport Some NASCAR Boxes - 2 x Fanfare and 3 x Showcase


Great Southern Land
Real Name
I know some of the guys on here like to see the NASCAR breaks, so here's my latest. Fanfare is a new product with one hit per pack, either an Auto or a Race Used. Showcase is one of the top of the range releases.

Firstly, the Fanfare -
Didn't do great overall, but certainly not disappointed. I think my PC card count was only 4, which isn't much considering I collect nearly half the field !! But one of these is an auto and the other a RU, so that's not all bad.

Box 1 -
Nice Jimmie RU as my bonus pack card for the PC, as well as a Bowyer Auto.

A couple of nice multicolors...

Auto's -

Box 2 -

Maybe not as good PC wise, but some nice cards in this one.


That Harvick is pretty awesome with the partial Jimmy Johns Pizza logo. But Happy Harvick haunts me !!

Auto's -

Nice low number Tony Stewart Auto and the Piquet Jr is something different considering I follow F1 as well...

Now onto the Showcase.
Got to say I really like this product. It is pricey, but I always find it delivers the goods for me. This time was no exception. A lot of PC hits in 3 boxes (14) and some nice traders (hopefully!)

Won't bore you all with a box by box, but here's the highlights -

The Colours -

The Acetates -

The Hits ! -
Nice Rowdy's and Edwards for the PC and that patch on the Harvick is really nice...but Happy Harvick again ???

