Shaq retires!

Shaq one of the most dominant big men to ever play the game.....

Thanks for the memories Shaq!
Yep, THANKYOU Shaq! I started following ball the year before he started in the NBA and learnt the meaning of 'man-crush' soon after. I feel blessed to have followed his whole career through the ups and down and although he changed teams towards the end a bit, i still loved to watch him play with anyone in any situation. It was also great that he played for and finished with the team i followed from the start- Boston! AMAZING career, amazing player and amazing person, he will be missed!

Im glad i got to see him play finally before he retired and it will go down as one of the greatest moments in my life, i sat behind him and got to see the real, massive, legend he is in the flesh.

Thanks big fella for all the good times and great veiwing!!
Shaq was my very first 'favourite player' i can honestly say i been down with him since day 1, except for the LA years....damn i hate the lakers ahaha but nah he made them cool! im gonna miss him heaps. i hope he gets a job in the media so he can keep entertaining us with his antics!