Selling Practices - I suggest a change


Marsden QLD
Real Name
eBay User
This won't be well received but I think we need to look at ways to reign in the selling practices that are just getting out of control on this site.

New Members - Should not be able to sell until they have achieved that magical 10 positive feedback points.

I know this one will not be liked but I would advocate for a ban on the sale of IP signatures. I believe it is just plain wrong for members to buy a team set for 2 dollars, get them all autographed and then sell those cards making a killing. Trading of IP auto's no probs but not selling.
I think it would be beneficial as an increasing number of people are just on here to sell cards not trade which i think is a shame as this is ozcardTrader after all! i'm finding it harder and harder to find people who arent looking for money!
maybe you can set a time eg:6 months before you can sell something that would weed out some of the people you join just to sell something as it is free to sell.I thought the site was intended to share and trade cards and to talk with other collecters about our hobby.
I would advocate an exclusionary period after a particular release where it is trading only. Reason for this line of thinking is that we have small business sponsors of the site who are selling stock way below eBay prices but none of them are getting sales because members just dump their excess stock to make a dollar back. This sort of approach would benefit all concerned. No change to trading of cards but restrict selling for a set period.

I know it would not be popular but if we want to keep out sponsors then we need to look at how things are done.
This won't be well received but I think we need to look at ways to reign in the selling practices that are just getting out of control on this site.

New Members - Should not be able to sell until they have achieved that magical 10 positive feedback points.

Don't think this is necessary, they are expected to send first until they have received 10 positives or can provide sufficient feedback from other sites. At the end of the day if you are going to be involved in any trade over the Internet (including on any other site) you need to give yourself enough protection to feel safe doing so.

I know this one will not be liked but I would advocate for a ban on the sale of IP signatures. I believe it is just plain wrong for members to buy a team set for 2 dollars, get them all autographed and then sell those cards making a killing. Trading of IP auto's no probs but not selling.

At the end of the day you don't have to buy them - people only have to pay what they are worth. I personally don't see any reason to stop the sale of them.
maybe you can set a time eg:6 months before you can sell something that would weed out some of the people you join just to sell something as it is free to sell.I thought the site was intended to share and trade cards and to talk with other collecters about our hobby.

I'm a member on another forum, where it is 90 days before you can starting selling. I don't think that would work in this instance.
I would advocate an exclusionary period after a particular release where it is trading only. Reason for this line of thinking is that we have small business sponsors of the site who are selling stock way below eBay prices but none of them are getting sales because members just dump their excess stock to make a dollar back. This sort of approach would benefit all concerned. No change to trading of cards but restrict selling for a set period.

I know it would not be popular but if we want to keep out sponsors then we need to look at how things are done.

Very very unlikely. No point.

I'm not sure what you are referring to regarding excess stock, this is why the rules are in place regarding case shares to only allow approved sellers to do them. I don't understand how you think this would benefit all.
yeah i can see the sense in that, instead of benefiting everyone, lets just benefit redtorana.

you've outdone yourself here! =D>

This site is for everyone, not just a Select few.
Everything you say always has an agenda, Its so obvious and really tiresome.

You don't think giving away cards is taking money (or a trade) out of someones pocket?

God help us if you ever become a mod.

I don't care that you disagree with him (as I do) but please keep the personal attacks out of it, it's just unnecessary. If you find it hard to read tak35bne's posts without biting click his username then click ignore and you will not see them any more.
Thanks for all the comments, I am sorry you guys feel there is a hidden agenda here, but the only agenda is to suggest ways to make the experience better for everyone, all of the small businesses that service the site and us the collector....that is the only agenda.

I really have no interest which small business anyone supports I support them all and am just trying to think of ways to level the playing field. Yes I buy from redtorana, I also buy from Digeze, Ming and many others on this site.

I also go out of my way to help other new local businesses such as Mr & Mrs Trading Cards by organising non-sport case shares and I supported Jen when she was around. I said at the beginning this suggestion may not be well received but this particular forum is about constructive suggestions not destructive comments.

I appreciate where you're coming from, but with cards being such a niche hobby and one that is dominated domestically by 3 sports, I don't think making the entry requirements for doing deals should be any more stringent. It'll scare off potential new members, especially those who collect less popular sports (for instance with MMA and Ice Hockey, I find there's more buying singles, than trading).

As for IP autos, that seems to be largely an NRL thing, and policing the deal threads to weed out ones involving IP autos is a pretty big ask, and ultimately won't stop the practice.
One thing I do agree with is the comment on IP autographs.........I just can't advocate people taking advantage of players kind enough to sign cards. If people continue to do this in the then it will only be a matter of time before the AFL players get sick of it and start refusing to sign (like NBA players do).
Hard work being a mod!!!!!!
My 2cents is, everyone is entitled to their opinion and although you may not agree with some of the rules here you still need to oblie by them whilst you're here.
This won't be well received but I think we need to look at ways to reign in the selling practices that are just getting out of control on this site.

New Members - Should not be able to sell until they have achieved that magical 10 positive feedback points.

I know this one will not be liked but I would advocate for a ban on the sale of IP signatures. I believe it is just plain wrong for members to buy a team set for 2 dollars, get them all autographed and then sell those cards making a killing. Trading of IP auto's no probs but not selling.

Selling practices, as in the way people sell? That's pretty hard to do. You either agree with a price, or you don't.

I personally don't see any issues with sub 10 feedbackers wanting to sell. Some people buy boxes and sell the singles, and don't actually collect as such, or the cards they DO collect, not many others do, etc. Having been on another forum for a few years now, when I started out there, they had no "must send first" rule, but have since included it. That means, for me, I need to send first on any sales (I guess until I reach a point they're happy? - ie feedback), however I'd consider myself quite a trusted seller (when I do sell), and my feedback online would have everyone agree to that.

My point there, is that everyone should be given the chance to prove themselves. If they have feedback from reputable forums, and/or they have reputable feedback from Ebay (like most people do), then why should they have to wait 10 feedback to be able to sell? They may have no interest in trading, or buying.

What's not to say that a kid and his father walk into one of our reputable card/box sellers, bust a box, pull some sweet card, and have the seller recommend they join here to sell it locally? They'd have slim chances of that happening, unless they had reputable feedback elsewhere.
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