Select& team coach commons various years FREE

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Real Name
craig everest
eBay User
have a huge lot of select and teamcoach common cards and other herald sun cards which I would like to give away to a young collecter who is getting started in the hobby,the only cost would be the cost of postage which would be $13.40 in a 3kg satchel with tracking
Cheers Craig
A money order you get from the post office which is for the amount you have to pay me,but it costs extra to get one between 4 and 5 dollars,ask your mum and dad about it,I don't won't you to send cash in mail
You need $13.40 for me and what ever it costs for them to write it out which I think is between 4 and 5 dollars so you would need $20 and you would get a little bit of change and you would need a 70 cent stamp and envelope to send to me
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