Rate the last movie you watched

Big fan of both Flight of the navigator and Inception.
went old school comedy classic... COMING TO AMERICA this has not aged a bit, love it today the same as in the the 80's
The amount of classic scenes and laugh out loud moments on this Eddie Murphy/Arsenio Hall film is what made Murphy the king of 80's comedy. Every thing from Mc dowells to Randy Watsons "the greatest love of all" and the unforgettable SOUL GLOW (just try getting the soul glow jingle out of your head once hearing it) i miss when Murphy ruled the world .... cult 80's classic ****4/5
Yep love Eddie. I hear number 2 may be in production too?
Yep love Eddie. I hear number 2 may be in production too?
yep. pretty sure its done, but distribution was sold due to covid and will be released via a streaming service at the end of the year. direct sequel where eddie finds out he has a son in queens...
The Last Crusade (Indiana Jones) - 9/10

After the news Sir Sean Connery had died yesterday, rocked me more than I thought. Has 2020 not taken enough from us ....
I will endeavour to do a Connery week and review same.
This is a true classic and to have both Lucas and Spielberg working on it, is clearly evident in the end result.
Brilliant movie.

The Untouchables is worth another look too. R.I.P Connery.
i kept the cult 80's classic comedy going...CADDY SHACK wow, this film will never die...A+ from start to finish. just brilliant *****5/5.
THE WARRIORS. the 1979 walter hill gang classic.
love the gritty nature and feel to this cult classic. As our hero's have to fight there way back to coney island. Film still holds up today with story and look. Disk had a full doco aswell that was enjoyed. classic 4/5 WARRIORS COME OUT TO PPPPLLLLAAAAYYYY !!
Damn I loved this movie when it first came out, Wanderers was also worth a watch.