Problem Sending International Payments Via Paypal


Melbourne, Vic
Real Name
Anyone else having problems sending payments internationally? Yesterday it was working fine when I sent a payment for some cards in the US. However, when I tried sending a payment to a Ramon Sessions(yes trying to get in while he's cheap) card I won in China the message board on paypal stated an error and that the recipient cannot receive international funds.

I've contacted the seller regarding this and still awaiting a reply.

I've read some weeks ago some of our friend here were having problems like these as well but they were able to resolve it. Just couldn't seem to find the thread.

Inputs greatly appreciated.
I had the same message when sending funds to US, but I think its something that the seller can set to reject funds not coming from US. Not sure about your situation though. Can I just say though that sellers couldn't wait to get rid of that card exactly a week ago today, going for as low as $1.97 and even $0.99 a few days before that and now its going for over $20.
I'll info the seller bout the setting. Thanks mate. Not much RC auto of sessions going around. He's putting up some monster numbers. Just thought I 'd take a punt.
Just made a couple of payments myself via paypal about 5 mins ago, and went through with out a hitch