Official NBA 2k14 Thread

Probably won't be getting it, BROKE-AS-BRO lol after my Melbourne trip, and with Madden 25 and Rugby League Live 2 to keep me company could be a while before I bother with 2k14.
So for the first time since 2K9, I've decided NOT to buy NBA 2K. Well, unless something special comes out on Xbox One.

Right now, I'm tackling GTA V head-on, and loving it, with others like Assassins Creed 4 & Watch Dogs on pre-order, and then there's Battlefield 4.
I'm really liking 2k14 mainly because of the emphasis on defense. I'm having a blast running with the Pistons, playing 12 minute quarters and getting scores in the 80's and 90's.

Been playing the BF4 Beta... suffice to say keen as bro lol but on PC... not on any of this console crap.... I think I would still like to get 2k14 at some stage though, just don't see it any time soon.
must say am abit disapointed with it too, not much new or even better, pretty much seems like its nba 2k13

Well then I'm glad i stuck to my rule of only purchasing 2K every second year... at least ill notice some differences when i pick it up haha
am playing in my player mode, everything is the same, even at the end of the game where you do the interview, the back of the jurnos heads are exacly the same as nba 2k13, how did i notice, well the all have one or two hair cuts and all have the same crappy brown vest, they even use the same pics in the teams promotional stuff, not one bit off diffrence, the game plays a little bit better but come on, a whole year and this is all they could do?
Has anyone seen this on Next-Gen yet? Vids coming out are really giving it props!!!

I don't think they've released info for Next-Gen gamers though, so could just be a polished version of current-gen release.
Next gen looks pretty amazing graphics wise, they had a screen shot of Lebron up and it looked like normal tv it was that good, seems to have a lot of other stuff that an't in the other platforms, e.g in a mode called gm mode you can talk to all the players and they remember what you told them, so if you break a promise it could lead to a trade demand ect