NFL Discussion Thread. (SPOILERS)

Nice shutout of the giants chip kellys defence starting to find its feet.
I was so happy when DRC got burned by ertz for first TD after he and prince posed for pictures with license plate guy holding up a zero sign while he was wearing a custom eagles jersey with name Super Bowl and zero number. considering neither have rings. Sproles is a tough SOB possible ACL or MCL and walked off the little engine that could that guy. I know a giants fan at the game who had punches thrown at him and you can blame the hostility all toward license plate guy this week although the giants stomping on the team logo during pre game warmup probably added fuel to the fire. poor victor cruz but be fair to say his career probably over now hard to come back after such a horrific injury.
So are the Cowboys the real deal this year, or will they fizzle out to 8-8 again? DeMarco Murray the early MVP candidate 6 x 100yard games to start the season!
So are the Cowboys the real deal this year, or will they fizzle out to 8-8 again? DeMarco Murray the early MVP candidate 6 x 100yard games to start the season!
There's always that element of doubt with my Cowboys, but I'm feeling this year is different. If Murray stays healthy (he does have a pretty poor injury record), the offensive line keeps playing out of their minds and the defence keeps making fools of us all then I can't see why we can't make the playoffs and then go from there. At 5-1, a glance over the fixture shows it wouldn't be unreasonable to get 10-11 maybe even 12 wins. The Philly games will be key.
Murray is on track to break the rushing record if he keeps up this pace. I think it helps that he has arguably the best OL in front of him. Jerry Jones / the Cowboys received a fair bit of criticism for making their OL selections these last couple years in the draft (like the Frederick pick) but man those picks are really starting to shine now.
785 yards rushing through the first 6 games - I hope either MJD or McFadden tops 785 yards rushing this season...

Murray and Jim Brown are now the only RB's to have started a season with 6 consecutive 100-yard rushing games.
Spot on 100%. Smith, Frederick and now Martin are beasts. The later in my opinion is front runner for rookie of the year. Not sure an o-lineman will win it but he should definitely be in the conversation. Not sure how much Jones had to do with it though. Pretty sure he admitted he wanted to take Maziel instead of Martin but got talked out of it in the last draft.
Just been reading it seems he has major anger issues. Punched Golden Tate last year in the build up for the Super Bowl and gave him a black eye!
Has anyone watched the 'A Football life: Sean Taylor' that was recently played in America? Great watch. Always loved watching Taylor play and would trade for him in Madden every year to play the Raiders.

Will be watching it now. Loved him as a player (soft spot for Miami players). Have been trying to find some cards of him at a reasonable price. These A football Life's are awesome. Have watched a few - Ray Lewis, Walther Payton, Derrick Thomas, Chris Spielman, and Barry Sanders. Also just finished Darrelle Revis (all about his rehab and prep for the Bucs) - weird watching one about a player still playing.