NBA Deal Reached - Season to start Dec 25.


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As per many sources on Twitter, NBA and the Trade association have agreed on a deal. Games to start DEC 25th.

Agreement will be followed reforming of the union, which must be recognized by the owners -- a formality, pending finalization of details.

The players will have to reform the union, and the 450-plus players will still have to ratify a deal to make it official.

Officials from both sides will address media jointly in conference room of Manhattan law office momentarily.

The NBA is back.

inb4 the players came out and say they did this for the fans in time for Christmas and act like would should all be grateful to them.
Do you want me and someone else to start another thread on it??? :lol:

Matt is a mod! He's not allowed to lie or indicate anything misleading ;)

not sayin anybody's lying. just that i'm concerned some owners/players might vote against the deal? some of the NBA players on Twitter seem to be pretty sure its a done deal though.
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