My BGS Gold Label & Printers Proof Sheet Mailday


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Received these both yesterday - first one is just a darn nice card :


Second item - This is a Classic Dicky V's PTP'ers Printers Proof Sheet that was available by redemption when you redeemed this card :


Dont have any exact figures on how many were made (as both the Kidd and Hill sweepstakes cards were winners) but thought this was a nice addition to the collection! And no sorry Chad, you can't have the Montross ones :D

Nice one....nice to see some different stuff coming through Graham....framed and all!!!
Love the gold label!
That card looks better in hand yeah? if so it must look MINT!

Bit more info on the sheets pls...

How'd you get hold of it, redeemed urself, or picked up like that?

Very nice work G-Will.
I remember those Classic Cards
PTPers was Prime Time Players I think
I had Carlos Rogers and Clifford Rozier
I think they are pretty cool cards
Where did you get the sheet from Graham?
That looks waaaaaaaaaaay cool!
Very nice BGS 9.5 Hill there Graham! I too would like more info on the Classic sheet please. Also, please PM me about those hill cards I scanned for you, lol!
Well - the sheet I picked up off Ebay and had framed myself.

The sheet is exactly what it sounds like - a Printers Proof - when the cards are being printed, they are printed in big sheets and then cut up using guillotine machines. This printers proof is one of these sheets that hasnt been cut up. The sheet has the registration and cut marks where the cards would be eventually trimmed. I'll get some better photos to show these marks this weekend.

The reason they have more than one of each player is that when you printing, they would work out how many they want of each player, then if they have any spaces left over, instead of printing blank cards they would fill the spaces with cards already printed. Or perhaps they had other print runs and they just worked out an average and put 2 Hills on this one, but maybe on another run there were 3 or 4 on the one sheet.

The Truth - thought I replied ? If not - I already have those Hills :) Cheers mate.
Nice frame.

I told you to put it on a rotating spit though remember? You never listen to me :-( And thats a great Montross piece anyone would like own!

Cut that sucker out and get a psa 10! That would be worth a MINT! :)

That gold label is ok too for a holoview, as usual the edges are the cuplrit. Great pickup and price you thrifty bastard. :-P
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