"Just When I Thought I Was Out They Pull Me Back In"


New York, USA
Real Name
Mr. Basketball
Just when I thought I was out...they pull me back in. - YouTube

Just when I thought I was retired from cards, they pull me back in!

I was at the point where I pretty much had everything I wanted for my PC and would only pick up a card here and there...

Until PANINI deceided to come out with these beautiful Silhouettes!!! :cool:
Not sure which is my all-time favorite set, this, or the 2001 Greats of the Game All-American Autographs. I'm leaning more towards the Silhouettes because they're just too pretty, little pieces of art work masterpieces.

So yeah, just when I thought I was retired, they just had to pull me back in... so here are my 7 most recent pickups of 2012. Before these 7 cards I think I only purchased 3 other cards, so that's gotta tell you something :)!

Here are my new babies!!

I'll start off with the redemption... I believe he will be wearing a Clippers jersey on this one.









Thanks for looking.

I did that same youtube clip before ! :rofl: ... Al Pacino !!! =D>

Awesome man ... It's always krazy seeing Pat Riley with his shaggy hair and beard !

Thanks. HAHA yeah man that's exactly how I felt about these cards so I just had to find this youtube video :D

The beard is what made me take a real good look at this card haha. I already had a Riley auto, but I just had to have this jersey/auto combo, just love the photo they used, very nice old school photo. Panini is stepping it up!!
The shillouettes definitely are a stunning set. Can't wait to get my hands on the prime patches :)

I love em!!!!!!! Panini did a really good job with these, real winner in my book. Good luck on your hunt for patches, those things have been selling pretty high... Maybe i'll pick one or two up, but for the most part, they're pretty expensive for me. Can't wait to see what you get in! :)
Great looking set, just let me get the Payton first I dont feel like over paying for it haha
One of the nicest releases in recent times - good luck with the set chase. Btw, patch versions would look even nicer! ;-)
One of the nicest releases in recent times - good luck with the set chase. Btw, patch versions would look even nicer! ;-)

I agree. This is the best release from any company in FOREVER!!! lol at least for me. Thanks, but I doubt I will go for the set. Although this is the only set that has made me think about it... I collect HOFers/Legends and wouldn't normally consider buying newer guys, but this set sure makes me think about it. Who knows, we shall see...
epic stuff mate, i was close to chasing that set too...really close! single handedly THE BEST cards panini have ever released

Thanks, Slobby, really appreciate it mate. I wouldn't blame you one bit... it's a great set for anybody to chase. I'm still thinking...... I've never came out from my usual HOFers/Legends to collect a set with modern players, but it's pretty close.
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