Help DVD


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Anyone know how to rip parts of a dvd like i want to get a music film clips from a dvd as seperate files so i can try make a dvd with all music film clips?
Anyone know wat i mean?
Anyone know what programs or how i do this?
Please any help would be appreciated
Thanks heaps guys
Yeh i was tryen that before but like it comes out as a vob vile and i want them to be mpeg files and i want them on my computer not to put them on dvd straight after i rip them if that makes sense lol:shock:
If you want it as a MPEG, you need to find a converter on the net. Do a GOOGLE for VOB-MPEG Converters..... you'll find a lot of crap, a lot of pay-ones (non-freebies) but there should be some trial stuff on there.

Have fun.