Got another webber patch today to complete my framed set!!!


Damian Lillard
Real Name
Got my 03-04 Fleer Platinum Webber patch in the mail today. I got it off ebay pretty cheap and its a sick patch. Its actually 5 colors!!

Anyways I finaly had all my webber patches to complete my framed set. Of course its not every webber patch ever made or are they the most expensive (except the Ultimate patch, books at $120) but I had to hand pick them as to create the pattern they are framed in. 5 cards on the side and 5 standing up. Was very easy to frame them to.
If anyone wants to do something similar with their PC just let me know and I can give you some tips

that looks nice mate. Do you use polystyrene, and cut holes where the cards go?

I tried doing that first up but I had a few problems . First problem was I needed a thicker picture frame to fit the polystyrene in the back and second problem was I had to cut the slots abaolutley perfect which was near impossible to do so I gave up on the poly idea and went with some standard thin black card and just stuck the cards to it with some double sided tape.
The cards are all in sleeves of course cause I wouldnt put sticky tape directly on the card
So basically the cards look like they are just floating above the black background. Not a pro mounting job but looks a treat!
The frame has a glass front to

Picked the black card up for about $2
The frame was about $12
The webber cards...............................priceless
LOL you scared the crap out of me when i read you stuck them with d/s tape

Pretty good for the overall cost