Finding PSA scans on PSA or SGC scans on SGC?


Real Name
Jeffrey Whalan
I am trying to find scans of Scottie Pippen cards to fill in gaps in his checklist at I can access scans on PSA and SGC when I do a certification check (PSA is hit and miss whether they will have a scan on file, but SGC seems to scan everything (so far)).

Is there a way to find scans on either website of cards on their pop reports without seeing a photo of a slab with the certification number on it?

Ideally, I would like to identify graded cards that are missing from the tcdb checklist and know whether there is a scan or not that I could then download.

Some collectors cover the certification number when they post on IG, and some never show photos anywhere.

Any suggestions of where to find scans on SGC, PSA, or other (I have all the missing card scans from ebay, Goldin, PWCC, Heritage, Pristine, and My Slabs)?