Donations accepted...


Near Melbourne.
Alright, it's my birthday tomorrow - so how many of you are going to donate to my present fund? Think of it this way, if it wasn't for me starting the old forum (with Magicman), then this place wouldn't be here!!

Come on, you know how much of a prick I can be!! Make me happy tomorrow...

On a side note - I've been marking a Yr 9 Sports Statistics project today (boring shit really...) Out of a class of 20 kids, only one has chosen NBA as his favourite sport. His favourite team/player = 76ers/AI.

I'll have to show him the GU that I pulled of AI the other day in my Hoops box. There you go, doing my bit to inspire the next generation! Now hopefully he'll pay me $10 for the fucker and I can rip him off... hehehehe.
Sorry mate gave my last dollar to a sick kid thru McHappy day already.

If I had of known then I would of given it to the obviously more deserving one. :wink:
Serious, Mavs. I might buy some from you. I'm close to a couple of common sets. I'd rather make the sets knowing that they will be worth $5 instead of nothing as a bunch of commons.

I'll get back to you in a few days about it. Fucking marking school work and typing reports today on my birthday!

Hill, thanks. You hit it on the mark.
Happy Birthday, old man!!!!

At least you got a bottles of Daniels to celebrate with.

Pity about the marking though. At least hopefully, it should be the end of the year soon for you though.
good to here chad, being a maccas employee(im only 17!) we were swamped all day, everyones generosity is greately appreciated as it such a worthy cause