Does anyone else have this same frustration with PM's???


Guildford West, Sydney
Real Name
eBay User
Is anyone else pulling their hair out out with many pm's that don't contain previous info/discussion??? It's like some members are sending a new pm with every message. The constant scouring through many messages is doing my head in.:mad::mad: It has become apparent since the change in format on the site.
Has anyone else found this frustrating?:mad:
now that WILL be very helpful. LOL. i just thought people were sending me a new message every time.
cheers guys, i too will also have my curly beautiful hair much longer now:D
There is a hyper link underneath the box to reply in Just click on the 'View History' and ta da!

Thanks for the advise! I've been sending messages without quotes aswell unintentionally and only realised yesterday. I'll be making sure i hit the "reply with quote" before typing up a message in future :thumbsup:
The hyperlink saved some headaches as it shows the pm's of the person you contacted but what about your own. I ask as I went through an exhaustive list of a member and pm'd the cards I have. I don't want to have to go through all of that again
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