Brisbane Card Show - 14th April Mansfield

Fantastic effort by everyone involved. Steve ( carter ) without your determination to make this happen it wouldn't have so a huge shout to you mate, thanks from everyone !!!

Nice to put a face to names and thanks to the table vendors for bringing their cards out to share with us all.

Looking foward to the next fair already !

Cheers everyone
Thanks Damian, so glad you enjoyed the show, sorry i did not get to meet you, i was really trying to make sure that OCT did have the major influence on this event and we were not let down!
A huge thanks to Steve for getting the card show organised and to all those that turned up. Thanks to everyone who made a purchase and supported my table. Great to meet a few ozcardtraders and put faces to names. Look forward to the next opportunity to attend a show.

big thanks to steve and all involved today ill see you all at the next one
Great work to everyone involved in organizing this it was great.

Was able to plug a few holes in the NRL collection today.

Hopefully this becomes a more regular thing in the future too.
Was very happy with the card show on the weekend. Would be great if someone has some older cards to sell or trade but for the first show it was great to stock up on suppliers and meet people from here. Even the hubby was most impressed and brought a box of cards (warehouse 13). Now i have him collecting and pinching my sleeves for his cards.
Good to hear the show was a success.

Someone should take some photos because photos can always generate alot of i want to see what i'm missing out on.