australia are no power house in cricket anymore


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our days of dominating are finshed ageing list players getting millions like clarke who dont give a ****

i must say brett lee was a big out in the ashes and no sturat clarke slected
the slectors are hopeless

nathan hauritz selected before jason krajia

Mitchell jhonson getting smacked by tailenders

give up australia you overpaid argoant pigs your title as number 1 team is almost over
sorry mate, whilst what you said is true > Hauritz did get picked before krezja, Hauritz got 6 in the first test and has all 3 this innings so far, that isnt a factor contributing to our lack of being powerhouse, And we we always be one of the best 3 in the world. Series isnt over, only 1 and half tests gone. After scoring over 600 when england scored 400 in the first test, we are far from down.

your title as number 1 team is almost over

your laughing and crying, make up your mind.
but i must say mitchell jhonson is a concern

I don't think its all his fault here's why. From what I can tell trainers have been trying to change the way he bowls not a good idea. He's the sort of bowler that should have been left to bowl naturally even if its not conventional. I also think he needs to keep playing cricket constantly instead of having breaks that seem to stuff up his rhythm. Just my opinion though.
He also needs his mrs and his mum to sort their crap out and get off his back too... Anyway steve-o are you a closet pom?
mitch looks like MR SERIOUS when he bowls haritz is a threat to england i rekon he is playin well
lee isnt in so that doesnt help,
siddle bowls few and far between beautys but they still come
hilfinhaus is the leading wicket taker in the series,
i am a pom and i rekon they r still a power house, they are just not gonna be able to run teams over like they used 2, it makes cricket boring anyway

i think everyone thinks Aussies are a powerhouse. Was just a stupid thread i think.
Hussey is a concern, last 12 months have not been so good for him. mitchell jhonson is a natural bowler and his action should not be tweaked by some trainer. Phil Hughes is a waste, bring Lee and Watson back. But hey, that's what you get for not having more Victorian's in the team. A Hodge or White would have been priceless in this test.
Ah comon...the Aussies will bounce back...not in this series though.

I reakon the Aussies have a chance...if Clarke and Haddin keep their wickets alive until the end of game tomorow.
I hope Clarke and Haddin can bat out day 5 or most of it and send it to a draw, i don't want the poms to win!
I seriously don't know how you can call Phill Hughes a waste?
He's not even 22 and your saying he's a waste...Give him a chance to develop..

I dont know what you consider a waste but a man who has played about 40 FC innings and averages 70...... Thats not a waste, thats figures in the leage of Bradman x Ponting.

And 2 hundreds in his second test.

See his form for middlesex, he has had 3 pooring innings in england and 1 cheap dissmisal.
---------- Post added at 10:41 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:40 AM ----------

I was very disappointed to read these comments, please accept my apologies for not replying sooner, however I have just completed a house move and as such have been offline.

The current situation the Australian team finds itself in is only part of an ongoing story of Australian Cricket and nothing new. The ashes series of 81,85,87 all served to make the 89 victory so much better. The 2005 loss played its part in making the 5-0 whitewash all the more significant. Remember how hard your heart was in 92,93 when the Windies beats us by 1 runs and how sweet was it to take “Frankie” back to Oz in 1995! Our losses help to build to victory!

The older members of the forum will remember those days will heavy hearts as messers. Botham Willis Gower and broad put us to the sword, but we revelled in the 17 yrs of success until 2005. Nobody wants to lose when wearing the Baggy Green.

We owe our allegiance to the Baggy green and the 407 players that have worn it whether we think they should have or not. Be thankful that Australian cricket is infinitely healthier than West Indies cricket.

Why ridicule a player like Clarke who has put his country and family ahead of the IPL riches, save that scorn for Symonds, who will never be considered again.

Hauritz was not given and option to decline selection for the Australian team, he jumped at it, as would you if given the chance. Krejza will get his chance (Bob Holland was 38), and as such Hauritz’s performances will help the Selectors make the call.

Ponting can never be questioned for his passion to play, by all means question his captaincy decisions, I do, but remember that he has played 136 more tests than you or I and scored 11150 more test runs than you or I.

The Members of the football forums, of which I am a member, can fight all they like about teams and players as they have their own agenda, who cares about the AFL All Australian team, who are they going to play? The beauty of the National team is that it unites us against a common adversary.

You can choose your football team but the National Cricket Team is your birthright as an Australian, whatever form that team takes. So all I ask is to support and respect the team as an entity and know that each and every member of that team would spill his own blood for the benefit of the Baggy Green and your support!

(steps off his soap box…….)