Another shady move on Ebay! sad day for hobby


Real Name
As some may know, im a big Larry Johnson cards collector. We often fight on ebay for the rare SPs
with Patrick Copeland (Ebay ID : ljbiggestfan2 or Copelandcards). I live in France so due to the jetlag Patrick is always the first to have a look at the new auctions for Larry Johnson items. So usually before even being aware of an auction, he already clicked on the BIN or set up an off ebay deal with the seller. Im not mad at this because it s part of the game.

Anyway, I won this beauty a month ago from seller mini-sea.

09/10 Absolute Larry Johnson Patch jumbo patches 01/10 | eBay

09/10 Absolute Larry Johnson Patch jumbo patches 01/10

I was so lucky to check ebay just a few minutes after auction aired, I paid the card right away and was looking forward to receive it. After more than 20 days, nothing hadn’t shown up in my mailbox, so I decided to contact the seller in order to have him confirmed the shipping date and the tracking number. He didn’t give me none of them but told me that he would give me a full refund if I didn’t receive the card within 2 days.
When I read his message, I felt something wasn’t right, so I decided to check Patrick Copeland
website and discover this :

2010-2011 LJ CARDS :: JUMBO PATCH #1/10 picture by ljbiggestfan2 - Photobucket


The scan is obviously different than the one used in the auction by the seller mini-sea. I also know that Patrick, being a true hardcore collector, wouldn’t put a pic of a card he actually didn’t own. So it is obvious that Patrick contacted the seller after I won the auction and offered him more money. He already tried to do this to me for a GOTG BMC Auto jersey number but didn’t make it thanks to the honesty of the seller.
In this case seller accepted the offer made by Patrick and sold the card off ebay to him for a higher price I paid for. I contacted the seller to tell him that I knew what went on and requested explanation. He didn’t give me any, just reimbursed me. I tried to file a claim on Paypal but they didn’t accept it because seller had already paid me back a full refund.
I reported the case to Ebay a week ago but they didn’t seem to care about it or a French customer.
Anyway I already knew (as many on this board) that Patrick was a shady individual, but I was still dumb enough to believe that sellers wouldn’t make this kind of moves for a couple extra bucks.
I guess I was wrong.
This is the first time something like this happened to me. Hope not to many of you had to gone through this kind of things. For me this type of guys are ruining the hobby.
Man that's pretty messed up ... You just gotta hope that sellers are honest & don't do that sorta thing. There's nothing you can really do about It though. But that really sucks. Only thing you can do Is move on ... There will always be cards you want that come and go. Best of luck to you man.
That is totally wrong, I hope the seller gets no mojo going forward when they break boxes. That kind of dishonesty is a low action from a person and unfortunately gets tolerated too much in society. Part of the new me, me, me, think about number 1 society we seem to live in.
Yea thats nasty mate can see why your disappointd 2 hope ya gave seller a neg and bit underhanded of the dude who got it 2
thanks for the support mate! Of course i gave the seller a neg but in a few days my feedback will be in his 2nd feeback page so nobody will notice i guess
thats carp mate i feel for you as this has happened to me twice. its good to no who not to buy off of ebay. all the best mate kris
That has actually happened to me twice chasing some eels cards, in one case the guy who undermined me with the seller emailed me about a week later to offer it to me without knowing it was me he done the dirty on and what adds to it is he is a guy on here as well.

its a low life dog act by both the seller and the person doing the after sale deal offer. they are the scum of the hobby and should be F**K*D up big time.
hey eels fan his name should be provided to admin. As members on here the code of conduct spreads to ebay. We do not want members on here that do that. There have been other members repremanded and kicked for doing dodgy things on ebay.
same thing happened to me with a blake griffin auto patch earlier this hurts.
While it sucks that he sold it behind your back after you'd paid for it, that does happen (even I have missed out on a card and asked the seller if I could pay more) but it relies on the morality of the seller.

The thing that STINKS about this though, is that he obviously knew that he'd sold it elsewhere, yet didn't act on it until you did your own research and found out for yourself. That suggests that the seller is a very dodgy - he might have just asked for you to keep waiting to see if it arrived until after the deadline to claim had passed.. despite knowing full well otherwise. SHAME ON THE SELLER.

wow you do that also.

sorry but i have to put you on block. no hard feelings.
That's brutal, such a great looking card too!
Seems to be banned on a few sites I have seen and that mini-sea, while I have had limited transactions with no problems, I've heard they have done things like this in the past. It sucks big time and also that eBay would do nothing about it.

that just makes you part of the problem...
wow you do that also.

sorry but i have to put you on block. no hard feelings.

Put me on block..? What are you talking about? So because I missed a card for my set chase and asked a seller if there was any way I could still get it from him (he said no) I've got a permanent black mark..? People do it all the time, as I said, it's up to the morality of the seller.
it takes two to tango and people in the hobby know that one of the parties involved is knee deep in dodginess (did someone say printing plates?) which has assisted him/her in building up a war chest to go behind your back to get these cards. in the end these are just cards and i wouldn't waste my time over pieces of cardboard. i would take the seller to the cleaners though and get your paypal back and negative feedback that fcuker.