2020 Elite NRL - UPDATED Checklist Page 41

4/4 boxes from the Coast newsagents have not had a mojo. 2 completely duds. 1 White LS and 1 Black YG. Honestly it’s a joke that this is even allowed to happen and still charge $8 per pack. When you do the maths it’s obvious that there is 840 boxes without rubies so the fact they can state 1 per box is ridiculous. I bet there isn’t any Sapphires either.
No mojos in newsagent stock has been a common occurrence in my part of the woods since they started issuing them as single cards.
At the production run and the odds they state about 10% of boxes would not have a ruby mojo... would not surprise me if they all ended up with the newsagents

I think they should go back to 2 mojos, both /40, one as like a gold or diamond individual set and one as a team coloured full pack