1998 Stimorol VFL Football Card Set

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with all due respect bud, but that's a bit of a contradiction in terms

I saw the post earlier and knew exactly what you meant and thought it was a shame, I would of jumped at a nice clean set like that for $100, if they were all mint closer to $200

But it's unfortunately just an album with cards stuck in it.
a bit like a scrap book, or picture book.
today with technology at everyones fingertips, you can easily do a picturebook simply by scanning the cards and printing them up, stapling the pages together to create a picture book for the coffee table, like a card refference book, be kinda cool too.

But as cards go, these are considered damaged, certainly not mint, not even considered cards anymore to tell you the truth.
the price list you quote is yeah, for real cards that you can hold in your hand, just like they came out of packs.
your album is a nice novelty but as a collector, wouldn't touch it with a barge pole, no-one in their right mind would.

as a collector, in my personal opinion, whoever did this to a beautiful and significant set of footy cards should be shot.

no offence..

---------- Post added 07-04-2010 at 11:01 PM ----------

it's a good thing you didn't stick them on the inside of your wardobe door,
would of been a bit awkward selling the set stuck to a door!

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