06-07 Fleer EX Box Break Video

That friend of yours is strange indeed i'll ignore that no worries Travis lol...

Thanks for sharing your friend's box bust. Congrats on the pulls!!! The Richard Jefferson AU Patch IMO saved that box lol. Yeah we haven't talk in like centuries man what you up to???

Since we last talked, I had some mojo at the hotel doing the Knicks in the rain (all odds against me) for 6 hours idk if you got the message I left you on My Space. Be sure to check it, yeah it is worthy of discussing via the cell phone. I hope you plan to get at me sometime today.

BTW show a video of the new card shop your now based at. Thanks for posting the video up; I wish I had a camera to do that to show my busts at the card shop and card shows I go to around here.