What's everyone doing on AusDay?


Drouin, Victoria
Real Name
eBay User
Just thought i'd find out what everyones up to this Australia day :D
I'm headin to the beach in the next hour or so, so wont be on here for a few hours but ill have my phone ;) Just takes a while to write on my phone haha... Also how exciting that it looks like the 1 Millionth post could happen today on Australia Day how fitting for such a great Australian card trading website, well actually the best :D
Watching the Cricket and when thats Over than Later Tonight Watch the Tennis because the Best Matchup will be playing!

FEDERER vs NADAL! lol:lol:

Come On Federer!

ps. Happy Australia Day:)
Watching the Cricket and when thats Over than Later Tonight Watch the Tennis because the Best Matchup will be playing!

FEDERER vs NADAL! lol:lol:

Come On Federer!

ps. Happy Australia Day:)
Yeah, thanks for the reminder... Can't wait to watch that one!!

Other than than, just watching some Basketball :D
Good ole summer school hey. Gotta do the credits some how.

I'm back in about a month, so all the talk of uni scared me, burst my bubble that my holidays won't last forever.

i am glad i finished uni (7 years total study). I did a degree and masters haha. my masters I did whilst working on saturdays and sundays. I had no weekend life :(
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