Deng Collection


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Ive started putting together some Luol Deng cards, and didnt realise I had the beginnings of a collection when I went through them tonight :)

Heres some of them for your enjoyment - its a slow night ;)



How the heck did you fit an autofocus in that cardsaver? :shock:


AWESOME Dengs.. and to think you don't collect him. Tsk! :wink:
See what happens to some people when you point a camera at them! :p :p

Nice Dengs indeed. More courtime and less camera time please!

Mr Kevin Garnett said:
How the heck did you fit an autofocus in that cardsaver?

The cardsaver is about to explode. Look at the bottom of the holder.

Nice cards :lol:

It really isnt that bad, its not like its jammed in there. Yes the top is open a bit more than normal but its not live ive tried to shove an exquisite into a card saver LOL
If that is the beginnings of a collection, I can't wait to see when you get a collection together.

Nice cards. said:
didnt realise I had the beginnings of a collection when I went through them tonight :)

Not bad considering you had no idea.. LMAO!!

Nice cards Graham.

So u collecting him on the side, or just a bunch of cards u got?

I like the Gold Refractor XRC!
MavsMan© said:
So u collecting him on the side, or just a bunch of cards u got?

Ive been quietly just picking up cheap Dengs here and there, I had no idea I had 3 Ultimate Autos haha

It started when I picked up that Gold refractor and it went from there !
MavsMan© said:
Snatch it dude, there wouldnt be a LOT of competition for it would there??

Surpisingly yes - the first ones that come out will go pretty high cos there are a few Hill collectors that pay stupid prices for the first cards of the new releases.
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