The death of a legend and icon - Bill Russell 1934-2022


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Sad, sad news…accomplished so many things in life and sport, and did it all with class and dignity and a huge big smile. A true legend of the game and a true gentleman of the World!! One of the few sportsman who transcended between sport to political commentary to racial awareness (when it wasn’t popular to do so in the 50’s and 60’s)…even some of his old team mates commented years later such as Bob Cousy that they wish they did more to support him at that time, which shows you how much he took on himself to make change at a time when many people and media wanted to keep the status quo. To on-court and his determination to excel at the one percenters with his defensive prowess, leadership, team ball, led a great club in the Celtics to win a ridiculous amount of Titles in his time. From going toe toe with Legends like Wilt or moving from gun player to head coach, he excelled at everything he did and without fanfare or wanting slaps on the back, he just wanted to be the best man he could be , and that’s what he was!! One of my fondest memories of the Big fella was his acting , and yes it was well ahead of Kareem’s on Flying High ( another win to Bill), check out 80’s hit show Miami Vice…had a major role in a basketball episode , he was a father of a college gun ( by memory played by Bernard King)…he was a gambler , owed money….won’t spoil but excellent episode. And finally on the cardboard caper, he had such a crisp , unique beautiful signature that never changed over the years , just loved collecting him, it’s like owning a piece of history. Will need to dig up some pics and post some autos. Take some rest now Bill and thanks for everything you have done, you have touched and inspired so many people , even those thousands of miles away.
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