Goodbye Jarryd Hayne

troy titans douglas

Nrl Titans Collector
gold coast, QLD
Real Name
In case you missed it Hayne is off to try make it in the NFL.

Good Luck to him it'll be a hard move but if anyone can do it it's him.

I sort of feel that he will either be a star or a flop... what's everyone's thoughts?
Big fail IMO. Then comes back to a million dollar contract. Wins, even if he fails.
Further to my previous comment that he will leave this week. I believe he will make it in the NFL it will be a tough road but he,s determination will get him through. Good luck my friend
Personally I don't think Hayne is good enough to make it. There is just to many younger and hungrier guys that have NFL ready skills. I don't so him being able to handle pre season workouts.
Hayne's positional play as fullback - esp in defence - was woeful. I can't see him learning the NFL skills to pay the bills. But I am often wrong, so who knows, eh?
^^, if he plays on the offensive team (a more likely probability) at either running back or a small(ish) tight end, his defensive weaknesses won't an issue. all he has to do is catch the ball and run .... plus he's still young.
^^^^yeah hearing that too I'm also hearing that he has been in Sydney for a long time since his visa issue and rumour has it he has been on the p!$$ pretty hard.
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