First openly gay player to enter the NFL draft...

Guess he's not the first, just the first to be open about it.....will the teams see it as a factor come the draft ? Who knows ? Undoubtedly some of the fans will carry on a bit I guess...
Yup he will be bumped back in the draft no doubt. Teams are crazy when it comes to scouting players to draft. I mean they use the damn wonderlic test.
Honestly - as long as he plays the game as it's meant to be played, as long as he plays his heart out, who really cares? I caught it on sportscenter tonight and my opinion is as I said. Big whoop-de-doo if he's gay. Never stopped what's-his-name from the NRL when he came out. the guy who the NIB health cover adds.
Yeah I can't help but think he may end up dropping a few rounds and maybe even out of the draft. It appears most think he was going to fall in the draft anyway because he is too undersized to be a full-time starter on the DL as a 4-3 DE at 6'2" and 250lbs. Although to be honest that is pretty much the same size as Robert Mathis and he forged himself a great career.

If he does make it to a team and gets included in a few releases, I wonder what sort of impact he will have on this hobby? A recent similar (although completely different scenario I know!) I can think of is deaf Seahawks backup FB Derrick Coleman. After the Duracell add I thought I might be able to pick up one of his SAGE autos and they have jumped from a $2 card to $20+ auto. It would not surprise me at all if Sam autos could sell really well also.
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